University of Virginia Library


While, all alone, I hopeless sighing sit,
Rapt in the trances of a pensive fit,
Methinks sad symbols of my life appear
In the unfoldings of the rolling year.
What time the spring peeps wistful from the wood,
And love with gambols cheers the field and flood,
Youth comes again, by placid mem'ry brought,
Gay with the hopes that garland joyous thought.
But as the rainbow of the vernal skies,
Away, away, the beauteous phantom flies;
Flowers are but weeds, my aching spirit says,
Dull as the sunshine of these bedrid days.
When as a wreck, a cumb'rer of the ground,
Borne to the shore, and on its margin found,
As if, respited from my ceaseless pain,
To see the summer's gorgeous pomp again;
Full soon the sense that there I useless lie
The solace mars of smiling Deity.
Even gen'rous Autumn yields but anguish now,
In all presented by the loaded bough;
For in her perishable gifts the mind
Can but a type of fickle fortune find.


Yes! all the fruit around the orchard rife
Remind of blights in the fair May of life.
When yellow leaves are rustling sere and free,
And birds swing chitt'ring on the rocking tree,—
While storms are coming in the pride of might,
Like hostile foemen rushing from the height,—
Stern winter bids accorded torrents blare
Their dismal dirges to delight Despair,
And spreads o'er Nature, lying stiff below,
The solemn, seamless, winding sheet of snow.
31st Oct., 1836.