The history of The Old Testament In verse With One Hundred and Eighty sculptures: In Two Volumes. Vol. I. From the Creation to the Revolt of the Ten Tribes from the House of David. Vol. II. From that Revolt to the End of the Prophets. Written by Samuel Wesley ... The Cuts done by J. Sturt |
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XIV. Genesis, Chap. XVIII. from Ver. 17. to the End.
God reveals to Abraham the Destruction of Sodom. He intercedes for it.
Crimes of Sodom ripe for Vengeance grown
Two Angels hasten to destroy the Town:
When God—And shall I from just Abraham hide
My secret Will, whose Faith so often try'd?
Who'll use his Pow'r with wise impartial Sway,
And make his Sons and House my Laws obey?
Then to his Friend the hov'ring Plague foreshows,
Who thus for Grace did humbly interpose.
Two Angels hasten to destroy the Town:
When God—And shall I from just Abraham hide
My secret Will, whose Faith so often try'd?
Who'll use his Pow'r with wise impartial Sway,
And make his Sons and House my Laws obey?
Then to his Friend the hov'ring Plague foreshows,
Who thus for Grace did humbly interpose.
And shall the Righteous with the Guilty fall?
When Some offend, shall Vengeance seize on All?
O rather the devoted City spare,
If only Fifty Pious Souls are there!
I will, says God; this gracious Answer take!
I'll all the City spare for Fifties sake.
When Some offend, shall Vengeance seize on All?
O rather the devoted City spare,
If only Fifty Pious Souls are there!
I will, says God; this gracious Answer take!
I'll all the City spare for Fifties sake.
When Abraham thus—Let Dust and Ashes speak!
If only of the number Five shou'd want
Wou'dst thou for lack of Five resume this Grant?
No, said the Lord, I'll yet the Town forgive,
If of the Fifty wanting only Five.
Lower, and still more low the Patriarch came,
For Twenty pleads, his Answer still the same:
Yet one, his last Effort he trembling made,
If only Ten were there, for Mercy pray'd:
If Ten are Righteous there, thy Wish enjoy,
Jehova said, I'll not the Town destroy.
And here at length the Wondrous Treaty ends,
Abraham departs, and God to Heav'n ascends.
If only of the number Five shou'd want
Wou'dst thou for lack of Five resume this Grant?
No, said the Lord, I'll yet the Town forgive,
If of the Fifty wanting only Five.
Lower, and still more low the Patriarch came,
For Twenty pleads, his Answer still the same:
If only Ten were there, for Mercy pray'd:
If Ten are Righteous there, thy Wish enjoy,
Jehova said, I'll not the Town destroy.
And here at length the Wondrous Treaty ends,
Abraham departs, and God to Heav'n ascends.
“O thou whose boundless Pity still the same
“Still Just, and Good—Jehova is thy Name!
“Judge of the World! our sinful Nation spare,
“Who hast thy Fiftys, and thy Thousands there;
“Who still besiege thy Throne with fervent Pray'r:
“Or if our crying Guilt be th'fatal Cloud
“That stops our Vows, yet hear, O hear our Saviour's Blood!
“Still Just, and Good—Jehova is thy Name!
“Judge of the World! our sinful Nation spare,
“Who hast thy Fiftys, and thy Thousands there;
“Who still besiege thy Throne with fervent Pray'r:
“Or if our crying Guilt be th'fatal Cloud
“That stops our Vows, yet hear, O hear our Saviour's Blood!
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