University of Virginia Library


The Den of Cruelty.

A Den where Tyger's make the Passage good,
And vain attempting Lovers devour as Food;
Within the Hollow of a Rock 'tis plac'd,
Which by the angry Sea is still embrac'd;
Whose frightful Surface constant Tempest wears,
Striking the bold Adventurer with Fears;
The Elements their rudest Blasts send out,
And blow continual Coldness round about.
Upon the Rock eternal Winter dwells;
Shiv'ring he sits, and drops in Isicles:
Horrid and waste th'unshaded Prospect lies,
And nothing grateful meets th'affrighted Eyes.
To this dire Place Aminta hastes; whilst I
Begg'd her with Sighs and Tears to pass it by.
All dying on the Ground my self I cast,
And with my Arms her flying Feet embrac'd;
But she from the kind Force with Fury flung,
And on the Monster of the Cavern hung.