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The Poetical Works of The Rev. Samuel Bishop

... To Which are Prefixed, Memoirs of the Life of the Author By the Rev. Thomas Clare

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Fast by the extremest glimpse that streams
From yonder Crescent's quiv'ring beams,
Immerst in vapour, blast, and dew,
I've kept our Fairy troops in view:


Along the moonlight gleam they tend;
And here their destin'd course must end.
What can it mean? From eve to morn,
E'er since a certain Prince was born,
Indignant rage, that glows and swells,
On Oberon's fixed eyelid dwells:
Titania's cheek doth still appear
Impearled with an angry tear:
And ever as they meet, their ire
Sets the whole Fairy-Court on fire.
When storms in royal bosoms rise,
We courtiers are all ears and eyes:
Yet this event has foil'd my skill;
I should know more on't—and I will.




When maids the new dawn of soft passion disown,
I perch on their lips, till I catch them alone;
Then, whip to their hearts in a moment I fly;
For I sink with a sob, and return with a sigh.


Should I who the soul of a woman can read,
Let a secret escape me, 'twere pity indeed:
Let my betters beware, how they hint what they think;
For I pass with a nod, and come back with a wink.
[Aërial Music.]
Hark! these sounds proclaim them near:—
Puck, 'tis time thou disappear:
Shrink thy soft dimensions up,
To fit the acorn's scanty cup;


In shrivel'd rind or wither'd bloom,
Occupy the grey moth's room;
Or the inmate worm expel,
From curled leaf, or scooped shell;
Find thou place, and form, and size,
To cheat fell Oberon's piercing eyes.