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The Works of Tibullus

Containing his Love-Elegies. Translated by Mr Dart. To which is added, The Life of the Author; with Observations on the Original Design of Elegiack Verse; and the Characters of the most Celebrated Greek, Latin and English Elegiack Poets

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You that attend with fav'ring Silence hear,
See at the Altar votive Gifts appear.
Burn pious Incense, burn the rich Perfumes,
Which from the soft Arabian's Country comes.
May the kind Genius be in Presence here
To view the sacred Rites, and Honours share;
Wearing soft flow'ry Chaplets 'round his Head,
Let Ointments from his Locks their Odours shed:
Offer up plenteous Cates before his Shrine,
And pour Libations out of Purple Wine.
May he propitious be to your Desire,
Grant all your Vows, and give what you require.
Ask briskly, Man, why do you make this stay?
The Genius hears, then why this long Delay?
I guess your Wish, 'tis that your Wife may prove
A chast Preserver of unalter'd Love,
The Gods beforehand knew the Wish you move.


This you prefer to all the wealthy Soil
That lab'ring Peasants turn with restless Toil:
Rather than this you'd all the Gems refuse
Which Eastern Sands and happy Seas produce;
Where first Aurora does the East survey,
And spreads her Morning Blushes o'er the Sea.
Alas, your Prayers are slighted by the Sky,
Oh! how I wish that Love would hither fly;
Spread out his Plumes, and with a flutt'ring Wing,
The Marriage Chains, and Golden Cæstus bring;
Chains which for ever bind and ne'er decay
When Age deforms and spread his feeble Gray.
May this auspicious Day for ever be
Attended with the happiest Augury.
May Juno bless thee in thy Marriage Joys,
And give a smiling Race of prat'ling Boys.