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The works, in verse and prose, of William Shenstone, Esq

In two volumes. With Decorations. The fourth edition

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ELEGY XIX. Written in spring 1743.

Again the lab'ring hind inverts the soil;
Again the merchant ploughs the tumid wave;
Another spring renews the soldier's toil,
And finds me vacant in the rural cave.


As the soft lyre display'd my wonted loves,
The pensive pleasure and the tender pain,
The sordid Alpheus hurry'd thro' my groves;
Yet stop'd to vent the dictates of disdain.
He glanc'd contemptuous o'er my ruin'd fold;
He blam'd the graces of my fav'rite bow'r;
My breast, unsully'd by the lust of gold;
My time, unlavish'd in pursuit of pow'r.
Yes, Alpheus! fly the purer paths of fate;
Abjure these scenes from venal passions free;
Know, in this grove, I vow'd perpetual hate,
War, endless war, with lucre and with thee.
Here nobly zealous, in my youthful hours;
I drest an altar to Thalia's name:
Here, as I crown'd the verdant shrine with flowr's,
Soft on my labours stole the smiling dame.
Damon, she cry'd, if pleas'd with honest praise,
Thou court success by virtue or by song,
Fly the false dictates of the venal race;
Fly the gross accents of the venal tongue.
Swear that no lucre shall thy zeal betray;
Swerve not thy foot with fortune's vot'ries more;
Brand thou their lives, and brand their lifeless day—
The winning phantom urg'd me, and I swore.


Forth from the rustic altar swift I stray'd,
“Aid my firm purpose, ye celestial pow'rs!
Aid me to quell the sordid breast, I said;
And threw my jav'lin tow'rds their hostile tow'rs.
Think not regretful I survey the deed;
Or added years no more the zeal allow;
Still, still observant to the grove I speed,
The shrine embellish, and repeat the vow.
Sworn from his cradle Rome's relentless foe,
Such gen'rous hate the Punic champion bore;
Thy lake, O Thrasimene! beheld it glow,
And Cannæ's walls, and Trebia's crimson shore.
But let grave annals paint the warrior's fame;
Fair shine his arms in history enroll'd;
Whilst humbler lyres his civil worth proclaim,
His nobler hate of avarice and gold.—
Now Punic pride its final eve survey'd;
Its hosts exhausted, and its fleets on fire;
Patient the victors lurid frown obey'd,
And saw th'unwilling elephants retire.
But when their gold depress'd the yielding scale,
Their gold in pyramidic plenty pil'd,
He saw th'unutterable grief prevail;
He saw their tears, and, in his fury, smil'd.


Think not, he cry'd, ye view the smiles of ease,
Or this firm breast disclaims a patriot's pain;
I smile, but from a soul estrang'd to peace,
Frantic with grief, delirious with disdain!
But were it cordial, this detested smile,
Seems it less timely than the grief ye show?
O sons of Carthage! grant me to revile
The sordid source of your indecent woe!
Why weep ye now! ye saw with tearless eye
When your fleet perish'd on the Punic wave;
Where lurk'd the coward tear, the lazy sigh,
When Tyre's imperial state commenc'd a slave?
'Tis past—O Carthage! vanquish'd! honour'd shade!
Go, the mean sorrows of thy sons deplore;
Had freedom shar'd the vow to fortune paid,
She ne'er, like fortune, had forsook thy shore.”
He ceas'd—abash'd the conscious audience hear;
Their pallid cheeks a crimson blush unfold;
Yet o'er that virtuous blush distreams a tear,
And falling moistens their abandon'd gold.

The Roman ceremony in declaring war.


By the terms forced upon the Carthaginians by Scipio, they were to deliver up all the elephants, and to pay near two millions sterling.