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Verses sacred to the Memory of The Reverend Mr. John Anderson, Minister at GLASGOW.

Ob. Anno 1721.

------Cui pudor & justitia soror
Incorrupta fides, nudaque veritas:
Quando ullum invenient parem?

Shall streaming Tears a Nation's Eyes o'erflow,
And not a Muse partake the general Woe?
Shall we be dumb because he speaks no more,
Who charm'd attentive Multitudes before.
Clos'd are those Eyes, and silent is that Tongue
Where sparkled Zeal and mild Instruction hung.
By Nature form'd to shine in ev'ry Scene,
To charm th'ambitious, or allure the vain:
Early he learn'd the Prospect to despise
And make his nobler Choice his kindred Skies:


For this himself and rising Hopes resign'd,
To live to Heav'n, and live for human Kind;
Hard Trial to the Mind, could ought controul
A Roman Virtue in a Christian Soul?
Oh could the Muse his generous Labours say!
To justify the Debt of Tears we pay;
No Streams of Grief should be immod'rate thought,
Excess of Sorrow is an honest Fault.
His widow'd Flock best know his pious Care,
Taught by his Words and guarded by his Prayer;
No more shall in his Eyes his Ardour shine,
No longer from his Lips flow Truths divine.
How wont the willing Crowd to gather round,
Hang on his Lips, and catch th' inchanting Sound;
While in such Ternis his Thoughts he still exprest
The Love of Virtue rose in every Breast
And ev'ry Heart its secret Faults confest.


Then with what Ease the Tumult would he calm,
And to the Wounds he search'd apply the Balm!
So first their Danger to Mankind he taught,
Then like some Guardian Angel, comfort brought.
Nor had his Speech alone such wond'rous Pow'r,
Tho' wondrous that — but still his Life was more;
Where all the Charms of Virtue were display'd;
And taught the World even more than all he said;
Where all was open, unreserv'd and fair,
A generous Bosom, and a Heart sincere,
So firm to Truth, to Reason so resign'd,
At once impartial, and at once so kind,
That scarce we knew which most we should commend,
The free Reprover, or the tender Friend:
Such were the Pastors that in ancient Days,
Reclaim'd Mankind, and led in Vertue's Ways,
Such Asia boasted, and such Rome of old,
E'er Souls were barter'd for unrighteous Gold;


Such great Erasmus, gentle Cranmer shone,
And such the Man, O Glasgow! late thy own:
Whose Life like theirs, in generous Labours past,
Was still the same and lovely to the last.
So in calm Ev'nings and unclouded Skies
Not less resplendent in his Fall than Rise;
The Westering Sun into the Main declines,
Bright, and more bright, and as he sets he shines!