University of Virginia Library


Fourthly, reprobates though not sanctified:
Call'd by the Gospel, yet 'tis not denied
But many morall vertues thence they gain,
Withall the

Restraining grace.

grace of God, which doth restrain

Their running head-long to th'excesse
Of vice, of sin, and wickednesse.
The Word of God becomes so prevalent,
In their souls to whom 'tis sent,
That it makes them to act and do
Many things for God, yea and to
Go farre, i'th' practise of religion
That they seem almost without suspicion
To be th'elect of God, the sheep
Of Jesus Christ, which

John 10. 28. ουχ αρπασει τις αυτα της χειρος μου.

he will keep;

Therefore it comes into my minde again,
Though th'Gospel doth not save, 'tis not vain
'Tis by the Gospel reprobates injoy
Communion with elect, which doth imploy
My Muse again, this to maintain,
The Gospel preached is not

To the Reprobate.


Because the profit, and blessing's not small,
T'have fellowship with the best of all


Mankinde: t'enjoy the society
Of Gods elect, who practise piety:
Because the Scripture oft relates
That God hath oft blest reprobates
For th'only sake of his elect
That live with them, in due respect.
Read what great blessings God did yield
To Josephs masters house, and field
For Josephs

Gen. 39. 5.

sake, 'tis on record

I'th' Book of truth, his written word.