University of Virginia Library

[Cease t'exaggerate your anguish]


To a Spanish Tune, called,—“Folias.”


Cease t'exaggerate your anguish,
Ye, who for the gout complayne!
Louers, that in absence languish,
Onely know, indeed, what's payne.


If the choyce were in my power,
Sooner much the racke I'de choose,
Then, for th'short space of an hour,
My deare Stella's sight to lose.


Sometimes feare, sometimes desire
Seaze (by cruell turnes) my heart;
Now a frost, and then a fire
('Las!) I feele in eu'ry part.


Horrid change of paynes! O leaue mee,
With my death else end your spight!
Absence doth as much bereaue mee
As death can, of her lou'd sight.



Thus (deare Stella) thy poore louer
His unlucky fate bemoanes;
Whilst his parting soule does houer
'Bout his lippes; wing'd by sad groanes.


Yett thou may'st from death repriue him;
Loue such power to Stella giues:
With thy sight thou canst reuiue him;
As thou wilt hee dyes, or liues.