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A Stanzaic Life of Christ

Compiled from Higden's Polychronicon and the Legenda Aurea

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De circumcisione domini nostri Ihesu Christi.
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De circumcisione domini nostri Ihesu Christi.

Now speke sumquat I wil her
of Cristes circumcisioun,
qvi hit was don þat ȝe moun her
that listen now to my lessoun.
Thre skilles I fynde in gode fay
wherfore þis fest shuld honouret be,
the first for hit is eght day
of Ihesu Cristes natiuite,
The secunde eke, ȝe knowe may,
Is gyuyng of nome, leue ȝe me,
the thrid blode-shedyng, soth to say,
that for mon-kynde first shed he.
As to þe first, I may wel preue,
sithen seyntes festes honouret ben
Aght days to-geder, his forto leue
vnskilful siȝt hit wer to sene;
Sithen þat he is most of myȝt
And of alle seyntes hede & souerayn,
to reuerence his day hit is ryght
And mensk hit most with al our mayn.
The secunde skil is sikerly
qvy we honouren þis day,
for nomet he was witerly,
As Goddes mouth bifore con say.

Hodie impositum est ei nomen, quod os domini nominauit.

Bernarde witnes, as rede I,
thre nomus he hade, þat nys no nay,
Goddis sone one is sikerly,
Crist & Ihesus, þes thre in fay.


Distinctio nominum, Et primo quare dicitur filius dei.

Goddes son he callide is
In þat he come from heuen doun
And mynget godhed noȝt amys
with monhede, as ȝe leue moun.
ffor from þe faders maieste
out of hym-self he doun was sent,
therfore he may wel callide be
Goddes son omnipotent.
And al-thagh in one trinite
thre persouns ben to-geder lent,
þe goddhede is with alle thre
enterlie, takes in ȝour entent.

De secundo nomine, quare dicitur Christus.

Crist callid he is als, bout lesyng,
that is to say, with crem anoynt,
ffor prophet, champion, prest & keng
I may wel preue hym by þis poynt.
In olde time þe vsage was
thes four persouns anoynt to be,
And preue I may al in þis plas
that alle þes four offices has he.
ffor prophet he was truwe & verray,
As preues þe holi euangely,
for er he deȝet þe sext day,
thes wordes he saide in prophecy:

Non relinquetur in te lapis super lapidem.

Quen he come to that cite
Ierusalem þer he was dede,
remyng on hit þer saide he
thes wordes with a ruful rede,


That destruyet hit shuld be,
As bifelle after fifty ȝer,
for folk þer wonyng couth not se
hor God comyng hom so ner.
Of this mater, leue ȝe me,
her-after I shal say more cler
In his passioun, that alle ȝe
moun witt hit was so bout wer.

Quod dicitur pugil.

And for his duȝty dede doyng,
champioun call hym als I may,
the deul our enmy ouer-comyng,
thurgh deth he deȝet on Gode Friday,
ffor our forme-fader & his of-spryng
he raft the deul in gode aray,
therfore as champioun wel feȝtyng
Anoynt hym fel to be in fay.

Quod dicitur sacerdos.

Prest also in recounselyng
his peple þat was put away
to langour out of gret likyng,
hom he releuet as prest verray,
And to his fadir agayn con bryng
hor saules, that lorn wer, soth to say.
As verray prest thurȝe his prechyng
to þe ioy þat lastes ay.

Quod dicitur rex.

Kyng also I may hym calle,
ffor ȝiftes þat he ȝaf largely
to alle that to þe faith wold falle
And mekly ask of hym mercy,


Blynde hor siȝt, deue heryng,
mesel men & out of mynde,
halt & croket, to haue knowyng
that he was verray kyng of kynde,
To dede he gaf gost & lyuyng.
harde it wer one sich to fynde,
kemp or cayse[r], clerk or kyng,
one sich bonde forto vnbynde.
Syn alle kynges þat euer wer
myȝt not ȝif one of alle tho,
I may preue that his power
passes alle oþer þat can do so.

Quare dicitur Ihesus.

The thridde nome Ihesus it is
that hym was ȝyuen þis ilk day,
And bifore also i-wys,
As I shal ful sone say.
Ihesus is as mich to mene
As saueour of all mon-kynde,
declar it I wil more clene
In thre maners, as I fynde.
ffirst saueour he may callide be,
ffor he to saue hade ful power,
sythen godhede, monhede, leue ȝe me,
In his persoun wer both in fer.
ffor deede suyng also is he
saueour callide skylfully her,
As ȝe shun more clerly se
Ȝif ȝe wil listen & of me ler.

Hoc nomen impositum est ei ab eterno.

In-als-mich as he callide is
saueour for miȝt þat he has,
hit semus þis nome was gyuen i-wys
to hym er world bygynnyng was.


ffor as sayn Ion berys witnes,
bigynnyng his euangely,
As I in Latyn her expresse
Apertly thenke to specifye:

In principio erat verbum &c.

He sais þat at te bygynnyng
Goddes sone, þat is saueour,
was with God in hym beyng,
And he God als in full honour.

De imposicione nominis per angelum.

Also at his doun-comyng
from heuen to erth forto be mon,
he callide was saueour & kyng,
And how I wil telle, as I con.
Gabriel Mary gretyng
bad hir do þat ho leuet on,
And call hym Ihesus at hir beryng,
then secunde time his nome bigon.

De imposicione nominis per Mariam & Ioseph.

The thrid time, quen he was borne,
Ihesu callide he was i-wys
of Mary, as ho knewe biforn
of Gabriel nothing amys.
And that nome ȝyuen was as þis day
when þat he circumciset was,
riȝt as at fologht now in fay
childer ar nomet in ich plas.

Quod dicitur saluator in actu.

ffor his dede salueour eke also
callide he is ful skilfully,
for bot his dede hade holpen tho,
noȝt hade auailet his maistry.


Quat serues mon, now takes hede,
A vertu ȝyuen to worch with-al?
but he wil profre hit forth in dede,
that vertu serues of ful smal.
Therfore fully to fulfille
that God ordeynet at bygynnyng,
Mary, as was Goddes wille,
gaf hym þat nome at hir beryng.
In fulle significacioun
that with þat flesch saue vs wold he,
that he toke with deuocioun
of Mary forto make vs fre.
So that preue wel we moun
by thes ilke skilles thre,
Ihesus was ȝyuen hym by resoun
to nome er made was stone or tre.
And eft quen he conceyuet was
Mary was beden by Gabriel
to calle hym Ihesu ful of gras,
As ho did, nys not to concele.
The thrid time that nome he has,
As this day ȝyuen hym for our hele,
As Luke in his boke mynde mas,
to wayue our wo & wyn vs wele.
Now sithen that God at bygynnyng
this nome gaf to his sone by ryght,
After by Gabriels gretyng
quen that Crist in our lady light,
The thrid time in confermyng
the worde þat ȝore God hym bihyȝt,
this nome Ihesu, to my thinkyng,
shuld vertuose be and mi[ch] of myȝt.


Tercio de sanguinis effusione.

The thrid poynt was blode-shedyng,
that he for vs shed as this day,
to showe þer-by a bygynnyng
that shede hit ofte he was in way.

Quod quinque vicibus sanguinem suum pro nobis fudit.

ffyue sith I fynde his blode he shed
ffor vs, as I shal sone say.
the first was this day quen he bled
In crach & childhode as he lay,
A gode bigynnyng þer he mas
to forbie vs with his bl,
ffor old laȝe that thenne vset was
ffulfille he wold, þat frelie fode.
The secunde time that blode shed he
was bifore that he was tane
with Iewes, as wel reden we,
when his gret passioun bigan,
ffor quen he hade made mavnde
with his disciples euerychone,
Into a ȝerde þen went he
And alle þai, as witnes sayn Ion,
And þer he praiet in gret tristesse,
that blody swote from hym ran doun,
In-as-mich as he mon wes,
for drede of his gret passioun.

Lucas in euangelio: Et factus est sudor eius, velut gutte sanguinis decurrentis in terram.

And that blode-shedyng sikerly
was for desir þat he hade tho
Monnus saule forto forby,
And wyn þat wer in sorow & wo.


The thrid time he shed his blode
was quen he scourget was i-wys
to make tho þat wer gylty gode,
worthily & noȝt amys.
The furth time of his passioun,
quen he was nailet to þe tre,
ther was þe prys for vs laide doun
that he fulfild to make vs fre.
The fift time als, in gode fay,
that he bled for monnus dede,
was quen þat he on Gode Friday
on croys his hert-blode con shede,
And that blode-shedyng verrayment,
when his hert so percide was,
is callide þe holi sacrament
that broȝt vs fully to his gras.
Blode & water witerly
out of his hert he shed þat day,
blode monkynde to forby,
And water our syn to wassh away.
And þat water may signifye
that thurgh fulloght, in gode fay,
Adam syn þat did vs nye
with water is slekket, soth to say.
Thus turnet is þe sacrament
circumcisioun vset ȝore
to fulloght, sithen þat Crist vs kent
In signe þat we wer thral bifore
Thurȝe syn, tille God his son had sent
to wasch all þat vnworthy wore
with water þat from his hert went,
then circumcisioun last nomore,


But fulloght vset in tokenyng
that, riȝt as Crist shed water cler,
so with water at our comyng
he wold þat we so washen wer.

Quare circumcisio data fuerat.

Now ȝe shyn wit þe cause qvy
Circumcisioun ȝyuen was,
takes hede al þis company,
hit may do gode ȝif ȝe haue gras.
ffor mony causes þat sacrament
to Abraham first ȝyuen was,
As God hym-self wel to hym kent,
he did first nothing amys.
One cause, as clercus sayn verrayment,
Imong oþer may wel be þis,
sithen Adam was inobedient
And thurgh hit lost þat grete blys,
Abraham, þat obedient was
to God fully in alle thing,
shuld plese hym & gete his gras
to fulfille wel his biddyng.
ffor sad bileue eke also
that Abraham hade in Goddes hest,
quen he a son biheght hym tho,
the lif of quych shuld ay lest
Til Crist come to keuer mon-kynde,
and that Crist born be of his blode
the deules bonde forto vnbynde
and turne monkynde to mich gode,
By quich barn shuld blesside be
Alle naciouns, þat nys no nay,—
ffor Abraham leuet þis, der was he
to God al after his lif-day.


Alia causa quare circumcisio data fuit.

Anoþer cause assignet is
qvy circumcisioun ordeynt was,
to know þat folk fully for his
ffrom peple of alle oþer plas.
In þat stid of þe flesch also
God bede þat sacrament don shuld be,
for God wold mon shuld suffre wo
ther-as temptacioun most hade he,
And als for Adams grete offens,
quen he trespast to God almyȝt
by so grete inobedience
his biddyng noȝt to do oright
In that membre, leue ȝe me,
he felide first temptacioun
quen he hade eten of that tre
thurgh þe deul & his tresoun,
Therfore thagh mon so pynet be
In þat membre, hit is resoun,
sithen in þat membre first knewe he
syn & þerto sone was boun.
ffor sithen Adam vnbuxum was
And did agaynus Goddes wille,
Abraham ful of buxumnesse
ffor his defaut most nede fulfille
Al maner poyntes of meknes
Goddes wrath so forto stille,
And in þat plas ber signe expres
that first greuet hit forto grille.

Quare circumcisio fuit octauo die petrino cultro.

The sacrament don was þe aght day.
And also with a swaret stone,
ffor in þe aght eld, in gode fay,
shyn rise fro deth to lyue ichone.


And then thurȝe Crist þat callide is
A stone in bokes of holy writt,
Al syn þat mon has don amys
that stone Crist away shuld kytt,
And make alle sauet men so clene
that þer com no corrupcioun,
then may that callid be, as I mene,
the secounde circumcisioun.
But takes hede now I ȝou pray
one certayn poynt til I declare,
þat I speke of bifore in fay,
And ȝet þat speche nyl I not spar.

Quod sex sunt etates seculi, septima morientium, octaua resurgentium.

Sex eldis I fynd in world þer wer


and þer nemmet I no mo,
And in þis skyl þat I saide her
to hom I teȝet oþer two,
Of qvich two deth is þat one.
that oþer general risyng,
In qviche elde we euerychone
shyn come bifore þat heghest kyng,
Ihesu Crist, þat callet ys
a stone, & circumciset be,
that is to wit forsoth i-wys,
be hym clanset alle be we
Of that we han done her amys,
And thurgh penaunce made wel his gre,
but tho that wold noȝt be hys
to pyne euer-lestyng, leue ȝe me.


Alia causa quare circumcisio fiebat octaua die. Raby Moyses.

Anoþer skil I wil now say,
As raby Moyses beris witnes,
qver-fore ay the eghtide day
circumcisioun ȝyuen wes.
ffor the child als tender is
Aght days after hit is born
As in þe moder wombe i-wys,
quen hit was þer-in biforn,
And then encreces more & more
In strength & stifnes day for day,
[Go]d ordeynt penaunce wel þer-fore
hym forto suffre in gode fay.