University of Virginia Library

When Gij herd Felice speke so,
Wel depe he gan to sike þo:
‘Now ichot, þou scornest me:
Swiche answer ichaue of þe,
Þat y schuld be þe best y-teld,
Þat be fiȝtand wiþ spere & scheld.
Swiche no miȝt y neuer werþe
To be þe best on þis erþe;
Into oþer cuntres ichil go,
For þi loue to wirche me wo.
For dout of deþ nil y nouȝt fle:
Ȝif y dye, it is for þe.’
Sir Gij of hir toke his leue,
& kist hir wiþ wepeand eye.


Unto his in he goþ snelle;
Þer nil he no lenger duelle.
To þerl he wil gon,
& tak his leue sone anon.