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[The ryghteous man that fearethe God]

Beatus vir qui timet Psalm. cxi.

The ryghteous man that fearethe God
shalbe ryght fast and sure
With fayth hys enemyes to wythstande
and strongly shal endure.
The man is blest yt feareth god
& walketh in hys waye
And to kepe hys cōmaundementes
delyghteth nyght and daye
His sede shall styl with might & power
vpō the earth prospere
The faythfull generacyon shall
be blessed in lyke manere

Ryches ioy and plenteousnes
in his house shalbe sure
And eke I say hys ryghteousnes
for euer shall endure
In darkenes to the godly man
there rysethe vp a lyghte
Which sheweth mercy louingly
and walke the way of ryght
Wel is he that mercyfull is
and lendeth with good wyll
And wyth discretyon euermore
hys wordes doth ponder styll
For moued shall he neuer be
his ryghteousnes shall sure
Be had in a remembraunce
that euer shall endure
When he doth heare of tydinges yl
he wyl not be afrayde
Hys harte beleueth assuredly
the lorde wyl be hys ayde
Hys harte is surely stablyshed
he wyll not shrynke vntyll
That he vpon hys enemyes
hathe hys desyre and wyll

He hath dealt abroade full well
and geuen to the poore
Hys ryghteousnes remaynethe styl
bothe nowe and euermore
His horne shalbe exalted styll
with power and eke with myght
The whych whā wycked mē shal se
ther at they wyl haue spight
And then shal he gnashe wt his tethe
and consume them awaye
The vngodly and theyr desyre
for euer shal decaye.