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Argalvs and Parthenia

Written by Fra: Quarles

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But harke! Am I deceiu'd, or doe I heare
The voice of Arg'lus sounding in mine eare?
He calls Parthenia: No, that tongue can be
No counterfeit: He's come: 'tis he, 'tis he.
Welcome too late, that art now come too soone;
Hadst thou bin here, this deed had ne're bin done.
Alas! when louers linger, and outgoe
Their promis'd date, they know not what they doe:
Men fondly say, that women are too fond;
At parting, to require so strict a bond
For quicke returne: Poore soules! 'tis they endure
Oft times the danger of the forfeiture;
I blame them not; for mischiefe still attends
Vpon the too long absence of true friends.