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A mastif whelp with other ruff-Island-lik Currs fetcht from amongst the Antipedes

Which bite and barke at the fantasticall humorists and abusers of the time [by William Goddard]

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Satire. 18
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Satire. 18

[Ralus why did'st thou hoyst and beare thy sayles soe high?]

Ralus why did'st thou hoyst and beare thy sayles soe high?
That none expected but thou'dst sayle into the skye?
Did'st think that Eolus would ever prooue soe kinde?
As never jogg thy barke with one ruff blast of winde:
I know thou did'st; but now poore Ralus thou maiest see
How safe's the shrubb, ouer the lofty-towring tree,
Com lett this passe: now Ralus thinke but what thou art,
And quite forgett (as wisdome biddesthee) what thou wert,
Jt is noe matter man what ever thou hast beene,
Thinke this! the Owle's not wondred at vntill hee's seene.