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Divine emblems

Embellished with etchings on copper, after the fashion of Master Francis Quarles. Designed and written by, Johann Abricht [i.e. Jonathan Birch

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[A dainty voyage thou hast made, forsooth]


A dainty voyage thou hast made, forsooth,
In grasping search of El Dorado!
Is it thy fancied skill hath wrought thee ruth?
Or art capsiz'd by a tornado?
Or has thy bubble-bark—too light—too crank—
Shifted its ballast—and expos'd its flank
To the boist'rous wind; to play thee off a prank?



Whate'er the cause; thou art in doleful plight:
Besotted and besopp'd is thy condition!
Thy honours and renown have taken flight!
And thou thyself fast sinking to perdition,
Thou art chin-deep immers'd in lusts!—
Sure fate of him who seeks and trusts
A wanton World—hot spices bring on thirsts!


Where is thy helmet—and thy warlike gear?
Thy money-bags, and deeds and gaming toys?
And smiles?—all gone!—what hast thou left? a tear
To brine that cheek so late suffused with joys—
Infatuate youth!—still cling'st thou to thy foe?
Uncoil thy leg—and learn thy curse to know—
One moment—and she swamps thee!—let her go.



Cast off—and make for shore—behold!
A shield still floats—and wooes thy panting breast:
Repent—and cherish hope—in hope be bold
That grace may save—repentance is the test!
Repentance—to the soul gives kind relief:
Repentance—changes hope, to sure belief:
Repentance—saved the sighing dying thief!


Tell me, where be those now, that so lately loved and hugged the World?

HUGO, de animâ.

But I tell you a storm shall arise, thy light bark shall be shattered, and all thy choice Argosie—riches, power, pride, honours, be lost, and thyself gasping in lusts—thy haughtiness craving the help even of a straw—eschew the empty world, for its love is death.


They shall be as chaff that is driven with a whirlwind out of the floor.

HOSEA, chap. 13, v. 3.