The Metrical Chronicle of Robert of Gloucester | ||
Brutus rex.
A gret ok he wolde braide adoun as it a smal ȝerd were
& bere vorþ in is hond þat volc vor to afere
He com mid tventi geans & asailled brut vaste
Brut wiþ is poer slou þis geans atte laste
Alle bote gogmagog vor him ne slou he noȝt
Vor he ssolde mid corineus wrastli he adde iþoȝt
So þat corineus & he to gadere were ibroȝt
Þe wrastlinge bitvene hom was somdel toȝt
Þer was moni a strong breid so þat ribbes þre
Þe geant brac of corineus as me miȝte ise
In þe riȝt side tuo & in þe luft side on
Þo was corineus somdel vroþ he stured him anon
And kipte þis geant & to an hei roche him drou
Þat stod aboue þe se an hei & þere riȝt adoun him slou
So þat he was al to ranced pecemele in a stounde
Ech lime fram oþer among þe roches ar he com to gronde
Corineus was alone louerd of cornwaile þo
& bere vorþ in is hond þat volc vor to afere
He com mid tventi geans & asailled brut vaste
Brut wiþ is poer slou þis geans atte laste
Alle bote gogmagog vor him ne slou he noȝt
Vor he ssolde mid corineus wrastli he adde iþoȝt
So þat corineus & he to gadere were ibroȝt
Þe wrastlinge bitvene hom was somdel toȝt
Þer was moni a strong breid so þat ribbes þre
Þe geant brac of corineus as me miȝte ise
In þe riȝt side tuo & in þe luft side on
Þo was corineus somdel vroþ he stured him anon
Þat stod aboue þe se an hei & þere riȝt adoun him slou
So þat he was al to ranced pecemele in a stounde
Ech lime fram oþer among þe roches ar he com to gronde
Corineus was alone louerd of cornwaile þo
Ȝwanne þe geans were alle aslawe þat þer ne bileuede na mo
Brut wende vorþ in to engelond & aspiede vp & doun
Vor to seche an eysi place vor to rere an heued toun
He com & vond al vpe temese an place vair inou
In god contreie & plentiuous þat is herte muche to drou
Þat þe ssipes miȝte fram eche londe bringe to god iwis
Þere he rerede is heued toun þat londone icluped is
Ac so ne clupede he him noȝt ac þe niewe troye
Þer abbeþ kinges & mani oþere ofte ibe in ioie
Brut þis noble prince sones adde þre
His wif Innogen noble men & fre
Lotrin & kamber & albanac al so
& attelaste deide brut þo al þis was ido
Brut wende vorþ in to engelond & aspiede vp & doun
Vor to seche an eysi place vor to rere an heued toun
He com & vond al vpe temese an place vair inou
In god contreie & plentiuous þat is herte muche to drou
Þat þe ssipes miȝte fram eche londe bringe to god iwis
Þere he rerede is heued toun þat londone icluped is
Ac so ne clupede he him noȝt ac þe niewe troye
Þer abbeþ kinges & mani oþere ofte ibe in ioie
His wif Innogen noble men & fre
Lotrin & kamber & albanac al so
& attelaste deide brut þo al þis was ido
The Metrical Chronicle of Robert of Gloucester | ||