University of Virginia Library

18. A Sonnet Left in A Gentlewoman's Looking Glasse

To veiw thy beauty well, if thou be wise,
Come not to gaze vpon this glass of thyne,
But come and looke vpon these Eyes of myne
Where thou shalt see thy true resemblance twyce,
Or if thou thinkes that thou profaines thy Eyes,
When on my wretched eyes they daigne to shyne,
Looke on my heart wherein, as in a shryne,
The lively picture of thy beauty lyes,
Or if thy harmeless Modesty thinkes shame
To gaze vpon the horrours of my heart,
Come read those lynes, and reading see in them
The Trophies of thy beautie and my smart,
Or if to none of those thou'l daigne to come,
Weepe eyes, breake heart, and you my verse be dumbe.