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Ane Co[m]pendious [buik] of godlie Psalmes and spirit[uall Sangis]

collectit furthe of sindrie pa[rtis of the] Scripture, with diueris utheris [balla]tis changeit out of prophaine [sangis] in godlie sangis, for [avodying of] sin and harlatrie. With [aug]mentation of sindrie [gude] and godlie Ballattis not contenit in the first editioun [by John Wedderburn]

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Ane sang of the riche Gluttoun and pure Lazarus, as it is writtin in the xv. Chapter of Sanct Luk.
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Ane sang of the riche Gluttoun and pure Lazarus, as it is writtin in the xv. Chapter of Sanct Luk.


Faithfvl in Christ vse ȝour riches richt,
Not to ȝour lust and Sensualitie:
Bot all tyme help ye pure with all ȝour micht
For in the frute sall knawin be the tre
And gude and euil sall baith rewardit be
With heuinly gloir, and hell sa terrabill,
To that effect spak Christ this parabill.
Ane certaine man was riche, and coistly cled,
With purpour, Sylk, heich, and presumpteous,
And euerie day deliciously him fed,
Thair was alswa a pure hecht Lazarus:
Lay seik at the ȝet of this gluttounis hous.
Throw sairis smart he had ane peirles pyne,
And wantit fude, quhen he wald fainest dyne.
To satisfie his seikly appetyte,
He wald haue eitin of the crummis small,
Quhilk fell downe fra hie buird of greit delyte,
Bot nane to gif him was sa liberall:
The doggis did thair office naturall.
And oft thay did this catyue man refresche:
Likand the fylth furth of his laithly flesche.
It chancit sa this begger did deceis,
Syne caryit was be angels gracious
In abrahams bosome, in heuinly rest and peace
And this riche man that was sa Ryatous,
Deceiffit als, syne buryit glorious,
In hellis paine he lyftit vp his ene,
And fyne afar of abraham hes he sene.
Quhen Lazarus he saw with him also


In his bosome, he said with drerie Spreit:
Father Abraham haue mercy on my wo,
Send Lazarus his finger for to weit,
And cuill my toung with cauld water and sweit,
For I am torment sair into this flame:
Then answerit him our father abraham.
Remember Sone, that thow ressauit hes,
Into thy lyfe, thy plesure in all thing.
And contrariwise Lazarus had distres,
Bot now he is in Ioy and comforting,
And thow art in wo and tormenting,
And als betuix vs thair is sa greit ane space,
That nane may cum till vther be na cace.
And then he said O father, I the pray,
Unto my fathers hous thow wald him send
That he my fyue brether aduerteis may,
Leist they into this cairfull place discend.
Bot abraham said, let them repent and mend
And als thay haue the Prophetis & Moyses law
Let them heir them, gif yai the way wald knaw.
Bot he said nay, my father abraham kynde,
Gif ony to the quick ȝeid from the deid,
Trewly thay suld repent with hart and mynde,
Bot not the les abraham this answer maid,
Gif thay heir not the Law quhilk suld them leid
Then sall they nocht in ony wayis beleif
Thocht ane suld ryse from deid them to releif.
Unto the pure thairfoir be pietifull,
Quhill ȝe ar heir, schaw them ȝour cheritie,


Till freind and fa be all tyme mercyfull,
As ȝe forgiue ȝe sall forgeuin be,
Mortifie lust, and Sensualitie,
Conforme ȝow not to wardly pomp and pryde,
Dreid God, lufe man refraine lust at all tyde.