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XV. The Exhortatioun to all plesand thingis quhairin man can haif delyte to withvraw thair plesure from mankynde, and to deploir the Cruell Murther of vmquhile my Lord Regentis Grace.
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XV. The Exhortatioun to all plesand thingis quhairin man can haif delyte to withvraw thair plesure from mankynde, and to deploir the Cruell Murther of vmquhile my Lord Regentis Grace.

Be Montaines, murne; ȝe valayis, vepe;
Ȝe clouds and Firmament;
Ȝe fluids, dry vp; ȝe seyis so depe,
Deploir our lait Regent!
Ȝe greinis, grow gray; ȝe gowanis, dune;
Ȝe hard rocks, ryue for sorrow;
Ȝe Mariguildis, forbid the sune
To oppin ȝow euerie morrow!
Thow Lauand, lurk; thow time, be tint;
Thow Margelene, swaif;
Thow Camomylde, ȝe balme and Mint,
Ȝour fragrant odouris laif!
Ȝe Baselik and Ionet flouris,
Ȝe Gerofleis so sweit,
And Violatis, hap ȝow with schouris
Of hailstaines, snaw, and sleit!


Thow grene Roismary, hyde thy heid;
Schaw not thy fair blew blūmis;
In signe of dule lat na grene blaid
On Lawraine grow, or brwmis!
Ȝe fruitfull treis, produce na frute;
And ȝe fair Rois treis, widder;
In earth, ȝe sweit flouris, tak na rute,
But wallow altogidder!
Cum, Nettillis, thornie breiris, & rew,
With all foull filthie weid,
Now plant ȝow quhair thir sweit flouris grew,
And place ȝow in their steid!
Ȝe plesant byrdis, lat be ȝour sang,
Ȝour mirth in murning turne,
And tak the Turtill ȝow amang
To leirne ȝow how to murne!
Thow luifsum Lark & gay Goldspink,
Thow mirthfull Nychtingaill,
Lat be ȝour heuinly noitis, and think
His deith for to beuaill!
Ȝe plesand Paun and Papingaw,
Cast of ȝour blyithlyke cullour,
And tak the feddrum of the Craw,
In signe of wo and dolour!
Now burne thy self, O Phenix fair!
Not to reuiue againe,
That we may him to the compair,
Quhais lyke dois not remaine.
Thow Pelican, prepair thy beik,
And grind it scharpe and lang,
To peirs our breistis, that we may seik
How to reuenge this wrang!


All birdis and beistis, all hillis and holtis,
All greinis and plesand treis,
All Lambis & Kiddis, all Caluis & Colts,
Absent ȝow from mens eyis!
Ȝe gleds and howlets, rauins and rukis,
Ȝe Crawis and Corbeis blak;
Thair gutts mot be among ȝour cluikis,
That did this bludy fact!
Ȝe Instruments of euerie sort,
That gaif to mankynde plesure,
Now turne ȝour melodie and sport
In murning and displesure!
Ȝe Sone and Mone and Planetis seuin,
Ȝe glystring starris bricht,
All ȝe Celestiall hoste of heuin,
Absconce ȝow from mens sicht!
Ȝe ȝeiris and monethis, dayis & houris,
Ȝour naturall course withdraw,
In Somer tyme be wynter schouris,
Sleit, hailstaines, frost, and snaw!
For why sum men dois trauell now
To turne all vpsyde downe,
And als to seik the maner how
To reif the King his Crowne.
We had ane Prince of gude Renoun
That Justice did desyre;
Aganis quhome the Hammiltoun
Did traterously conspyre.
Quha schot him of the Bischoppis stair
In Lythgow thair Londoun,
To bruik this byworde euer mair,
Fy, Tratour Hammiltoun!


Sen Christ hes tane him to his fader,
This is the best remeid,
That ȝe trew Lordis togidder gadder
For to reuenge his deid.
Sen thay haue wrocht sic thing agane vs,
Traist weill thay cair not neist
To kill the King, for quhy Cardanus
The Feind pat in the preist.
France hes na rest, yat is na bourdis,
Thocht sum seis not ane styme,
How France dois feide thame with fair wordis
For to dryue of the tyme.
The Frenche men sayis, “adueis le fein,”
Quhilk is as muche to say,
Quhen euer thay bring hame the Quene,
Thay sall repent that day.
Ye Lords, that now this draucht hes drawin,
Suppois ȝe haue left Rome,
Ȝit wald ȝe that ȝour Names war knawin
Athort all Cristindome.
Sa Nero did, bot not for gude,
Quha brunt Rome to considder
Quhat fyre it was, syne sched the blude
Of his Maister and mother.
Sa was he spokin of for sic thing,
We think, as ȝe wald be,
That sweir oft to manteine the King
And his authoritie.
Ȝe did him also King proclame,
And haldis of him offices;
Pensionis ȝe hald als in Name,
With teinds and benifices.


Now wald ȝe change and chaisson yat,
And bring on deidly feidis,
Ȝe worke maist lyke ȝe wat not quhat
With your Politick heidis.
Now wyselie wirke, be not dissauid,
For, and scho get hir will,
Scho will Reuenge the deith of Dauid,
Carbarrie, and Langsyde hill.
Ȝe Lordis, that now sa faine wald haif
Vp hir authoritie,
Can not yow clenge mair nor the laif
Of sum pointis of thir thre?
Heirfoir gif ȝe sa faine wald haue hir
To fulfill your affeckis,
Gif ye may get hir, than ressaif hir
With raipis about your neckis.
Byde ye in Burgh quhill Michaelmes,
Your money will growe skant;
Heir foir my counsell is expres,
That to your wyfis ye hant.
For quhy it is ane wyfis quarrell
Ye wald sa faine set furth,
As now ye may heir Maddie tell,
It is bot lytil gude worth.
As ye haif browne, now drink ye that;
Ye se how all is cum:
For had I witten that I wait,
Allace! is Scotts wisdume.
Now best it war to leif sic thing,
Lest strangers cum and wrang vs.
Ane God, ane faith, ane Law, ane King,
Let vs obserue amang vs.


And, to conclude, I mak ane end,
Praying our God of micht
To saif our King and him defend
In his vndoutit richt;
With all trew Subiectis in thir partis
Of his authoritie
Beseiking God to ioyne the heartis
Of our Nobilitie.

Imprentit at Edinburgh be Robert Lekpreuik. Anno Do. 1570.