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The Psalmes of David Translated Into Lyrick-Verse

according to the scope, of the Original. And Illustrated, with a Short Argument, and a breife Prayer, or Meditation; before, & after, every Psalme. By George Wither

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Psa. 15.


A Psalm of David. It questions & answeres, who shal be admitted into Gods famelie (to wit) such as are sanctified in thought, word, & deed, &c. It is vsefull to inform vs, what our Couversations ought to be, who professe our selues to be of God's houshold.


Lord, who shall rest within thy tent,
Or on thy holy hill?
But, he that's trulie innocent,
And sheweth mercy, still.
Whose hart emploies a truth-full tongue;
And none by slander greeves:


Who neither doth his neighbours wronge;
Nor lies of them beleeves.


Who favours those that feare the Lord,
And, sinners doth abhor:
Who shifts not from his promis'd word,
Though to his losse he swore.
Who putts not coine to griping loane,
Nor takes a wicked fee,
He, doubtles, is a blessed one,
And, shall vnmooved be?