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ELEGIA. 2. Ad Bagoum, vt custodiam puellæ sibi commissa Laxiorem habeat.

Bagous whose care doth thy Mistresse bridle,
VVhile I speake some few, yet fit words be idle.
I saw the Damsell walking yesterday
There where the porch doth Danaus fact display:
Shee pleas'd me soone, I sent, and did her woo,
Her trembling hand writ backe she might not doo.
And asking why, this answere she redoubled
Because they care too much thy mistresse troubled.
Keeper if thou be wise cease hate to cherish,
Beleeue me, whom we feare, we wish to perish
Nor is her husband wise, that needes defence
VVhen vn-protested there is no expence
But furiously he follow his loues fire,

And thinke her chast whom many doe desire:
Stolne liberty she may by thee obtaine
Which giuing her, she may giue thee againe:
Wilt thou her fault learne, she may make thee tremble
Feare to be guilty, then thou maiest dissemble.
Thinke when she reades, her mother letters sent her
Let him goe forth knowne, that vnknowne did enter.
Let him goe see her though she doe not languish
And then report her sicke and full of anguish.
If long she stayes to thinke the time more short
Lay downe thy forehead in thy lap to snort,
Enquire not what with Isis may be done
Nor feare least she to th' theater's runne.
Knowing her scapes thine honour shall encrease,
And what lesse labour then to hold thy peace?
Let him please, haunt thy house, be kindly vs'd
Enioy the wench, let all else be refus'd.
Vaine causes faine of him, the true to hide
And what she likes, let both hold ratifide.
When most her husband bends the browes and frownes,
His fawning wench with her desire he crownes.
But yet sometimes to chide thee let her fall
Counterfet teares: and thee lewd hangman call.
Obiect thou then what she may well excuse.
To staine all faith in truth, by false crimes vse.
Of wealth and honour so shall grow thy heape,
Do this and soone thou shalt thy freedome reape.
On tell-tales neckes thou seest the linke-knit chaines,
The filthy prison faithlesse breasts restraynes.
Water[illeg.] waters, and fruit-flying touch
Tantalus seekes, his long tongues gaine is such.
While Iunoes watch-man Io too much eyde,

Him timelesse death tooke, she was deifide
I saw ones legges with fetters black and blew,
By whom the husband his wiues incest knew,
More he deseru'd, to both great harme he fram'd
The man did grieue, the woman was defam'd.
Trust me all husbands for such faults are sad
Nor make they any man that heare them glad.
If he loues not, deafe eares thou doest importune,
Or if he loues; thy tale breedes his misfortune.
Nor is it easily prou'd though manifest,
She safe by fauour of her iudge doth rest.
Though himselfe see; heele credit her denyall
Condemne his eyes, and say there is no tryall.
Spying his mistrisse teares, he will lament
And say this blabbe shall suffer punishment.
Why figthst gainst odds? to thee being cast do happe
Sharp stripes, she sitteth in the iudges lappe.
To meete for poyson or vilde facts we craue not
My hands an vnsheath'd shining weapon haue not.
We seeke that through thee safely loue we may,
What can be easier then the thing we pray.