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[Heape frowne on frowne, disdaine vpon disdaine]

Heape frowne on frowne, disdaine vpon disdaine,
Ioyne care, to care, and leaue no wrong vnwrought,
Suppose the worst, and smile at euerie paine,
Thinke my pale lookes of enuie not of thought.
In errors maske let reasons eie be masked,
Send out contempts to sommon death to slay me,
To all these tyrant woes tho I be tasked,
My faith shall flourish tho these paines decay me.
And tho repyning loue to cinders burne me,
I wil be fam'de for sufferance to the last,
Since that in life no tedious paines could turne me,
And care my flesh, but not my faith could wast.
Tho after death for all this lifes distresse,
My soule your endles honours shall confesse.