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[A sweet Nosgay, Or pleasant Posye

contayning a hundred and ten Phylosophicall Flowers] [by Isabella Whitney]

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IS. VV. beyng wery of writyng, sendeth this for Answere.

No lesse then thankes, I render vnto you,
What? though it be a Beggers bare rewarde
Accept the same: (for Cosyn this is true,
Tis all I haue: my haps they are so hard:
None beareth lyfe, is so from Fortune bard,

But this I know, and hope it once to finde
God can, and wyl, exalt the humble minde.
This simple verce: content you for to take
for answer of your louing letter lardge,
For now I wyll my writting cleane forsake
till of my griefes, my stomack I discharge
and tyll I row, in Ladie Fortunes barge.
Good Cosin write not nor any more replye,
But geue mee leaue, mo to quietnes to trye.
Your Cosin IS. VV.