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Natures Picture Drawn by Fancies Pencil To the Life

Being several Feigned Stories, Comical, Tragical, Tragi-comical, Poetical, Romancical, Philosophical, Historical, and Moral: Some in Verse, some in Prose; some Mixt, and some by Dialogues. Written by the Thrice Noble, Illustrious, and most Excellent Princess, The Duchess of Newcastle [i.e. Margaret Cavendish]. The Second Edition

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Sir, You may wonder much that I do send
This Letter, which by Love doth recommend
It self and suit unto your judging-ear,
And that it was not stopt by bashful fear:
But let me tell you, This pure Love of mine
Is built on Virtue, not on base Design.
It hath no dross, nor proudly doth aspire;
A Flame inkindled by immac'late Fire,
Which I to th' Altar of your Merits bring,
From whence the Flame to Heaven high may spring.
Your glorious Fame within my Heart, though young,
Did plant a Slip of Honour, from whence sprung


Pure Love, and Chast Desires; for I do crave,
Only within your Heart a place to have.
I do not plead, hoping to be your Wife,
Nor 'twixt you and your Mistress to breed strife;
Or wish I that her Love you should forsake,
Or unto me a Courtly Friendship make:
But only, when I'm dead, you would inshrine
Within your Memory, this Love of mine;
Which Love to all the World I may proclame
Without a blush, or check, or spotted-fame:
'Tis not your Person I do so admire,
Nor yet your Wealth or Titles I desire:
But your Heroick Soul, and Generous Mind,
Your Affability and Nature kind;
Your honest Heart, where Justice still doth raign;
Your prudent Thoughts, and a well-temper'd Brain;
Your helping Hand, and your industrious Life,
Not to make broils, but to decide all strife;
And to advance all those are in distress,
To help the weak, and those are powerless;
For which my Heart and Life to Love is bound,
And every thought of you with Honour crown'd.
These are not feigning Lines that here I write,
But Truths as clear and pure as Heaven's Light.
Nor is it Impudence to let you know,
Love of your Virtues in my Soul doth grow.