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Anus speiking that Galathea micht heir her.

Into this toun thair dwellis, as all men seis,
Ane trim young man, surpassing but compair,
Exceding vthers, intill all degrees,
For gud behauiour, and for bewtie fair:
Nane neuer was, mair sweit or debonair,
Intill our time, or age as I suspect,

My pouerty, with helpe he dois repair,
Vnto my purtethe, he hes sic respect.
All of his age, he far excellis in deids,
And in gud manners, as it may be kend,
For Pamphilvs surpassis and exceids,
His haill companiouns, into gud commend:
To play the fule, with fules, he can pretend,
And gentries schaw, quhen gentillis him requiers,
Wise men fra daffing, can thame felfs defend,
By richt and resoun, as the caus requiers.
In all this toun, thair is nane borne or bred,
Mair wise and honest, or in honour maist,
His ritches, quhilk he hes obteind by tred,
In wrang abuse, the same he will not waist:
He is baith wise, and of ane gud behaist,
For all his ofspring, wise folkis wont to be,
Sweit fruit, neid force, man tak ane plesant taist,
Quhilk dois proceid, out of ane plesant tre.
The gud effects, quhilk children will consaiue,
Into thair naturis, plainly will appeir,
Oft times, the soun pretendis him we persaiue,
His fathers futsteps, for to follow neir:
Behauld, I se fair Galathea heir,
Stand nar the port, not far fra me abak,
Vnto my wourdis perchance, sche hes giuin eir,
And hard the wourdis and praises quhilk I spak.