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The Countesse of Mountgomeries Urania

Written by the right honorable the Lady Mary Wroath

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[When I with trembling aske if you loue still]

When I with trembling aske if you loue still,
My soule afflicted lest I giue offence,
Though sensibly discerning my worst ill;
Yet rather then offend, with griefe dispence.
Faintly you say you must; poore recompence
When gratefull loue is force, I see the hill
Which marrs my prospect loue, and Oh from thence
I tast, and take of losse the poison'd pill.
While one coale liues, the rest dead all about
That still is fire: so your loue now burnd out
Tells what you were, though to deceiuing led.
The Sunne in Summer, and in Winter shewes
Like bright, but not like hot, faire false made blowes
You shine on me, but you loues heate is dead.