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The Discovery of the Little World, with the government thereof. By Iohn Davies

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An Extasie.

Wether, entranc'd, or in a dreame of dreames,
Procur'd by Fancy in our sleepes extreames,
Or vvhether by a strong imagination,
Bred in the Bowels of deepe Contemplation,
My soule, vvhen as my bodie vvaking was,
Did see, what doth ensue, in Fancies Glasse:
I know not vvell; but this ful wel I know,
If it no substance were, it was a show:
A show whereat my Muse admired much,
Which she with her best sense can scarslie touch;
It was so strange and full of mistery,
Past apprehension of her ingeny.
Me thought I saw, (at least I saw in thought
As on a Rivers side I lay long-straught
Eyeing the VVaters eie-delighting glide)
An heauenly creature more then glorifide
Vpon the waues come tripping towards me,
Who, scarse the water toucht, did seeme to flee:
Her face was louely, yet mee thought shee lookt
As one that had long time and travell brookt.
The Robe she ware was lawne (white as the Swanne)
Which siluer Oes, and Spangles over-ran
That in her motion such reflexion gaue,
As fill'd, with siluer starres, the heav'nly waue.
Her Browes, two hemi-circles did enclose
Of Rubies rang'd in artificiall Roes:
Whose precious haire thereto vvas so confixt,
That golde and Rubie seemed intermixt.
Vpon her head a siluer crowne shee ware,
(Depressing so that rising golden Haire)
In token that shee knew no marriage Bed,
VVhich nerthelesse was richly garnished
With rarest Pearle, that on the arched bents


That rose from that rich Crownes embattlements,
Did shine like that braue party-coulord Bow,
That doth Heav'ns glorie, and their mercy show.
About her Necke hung Natures

Nature sittes in a precious Stone as in her Throne of Maiestie.


A Carcanet of glorious Carbuncle;
VVhich did the Sunne ecclipse, and clos'd mine Eyes,
That they could not behold her other guise.
This sight (though glorious) much amated me,
From which, rowzing my selfe, I sought to flee:
But with the offer I fell downe againe,
As one whose Legges could not his Corpes sustaine,
Yet still I off'red (bootelesse) to be gon,
For, Sights divine daunt the stout'st Champion
At the first sight; for, Nature doth not love
To see (fraile Creature) ought her selfe aboue.
VVhen lo, this heau'nly Apparition,
Bad me not feare, with sweete perswasion!
For, I am shee (quoth shee) that lately was
Thy Sov'raigne; frëed from this Earthy Masse:
I now can like an Angell with a trice,
Shift place to serue the Prince of Paradice.
And, I am come to thee by his permission,
That (notwithstanding thy obscure condition)
Thou should'st by me haue light, and cleerely see
(As in a Glasse) what shal hereafter bee
Touching this Land, I did predominate:
Looke in these VVaues (quoth shee) and see her fate.
But I yet fearing lest by some delusion,
I might be drawne to drowne me, in conclusion,
Did backward seeme to doe this later heast,
Though in the premisses I seemed blest.
Then shee (as seeing with immortall eyes
The mortall feare that did my Soule surprise)


Skipt from the VVater to the verdant Shore,
And tooke me by the hand, and cheer'd me more.
Her touch, mee thought, sent to my soule such ioy,
As quite expell'd, what erst did it annoy.
That hand, mee seem'd, I kist with reverence,
Which yeelded sense-reviving redolence:
I held it fast, and swai'd it as I would,
For shee encourag'd me, and made me bold.
VVhen to my selfe, I wisht I had had might,
T'haue swaid or staid it when it once did write,
VVhen it did (shaking) write Elizabeth,
Name giving Life to be a name of Death.
I often haue held hands, while I haue taught
Those hands to write, as (handsomely) they ought;
But had I held her hand then, when it was,
I would haue taught her hand all hands to passe
In love-procuring skill; and when shee wrate
Elizabeth great R. abridging date.
Of Life and Name, shee should haue written thus,
Live live great R: for dying oft for vs.
And though shee had in Earth no interest
Now frëed from it by eternall rest,
Yet, was my soule, mee thought, extreamely glad
So to converse with her immortall Shade:
And to my selfe I said, with submisse voice,
If Princes Shades our Spirits so reioyce;
What will their Substāce where they please to grace?
That, in the Soule must needes haue greater place.
Arise (quoth shee) because the VVater's deepe,
And thou (perhapps) dost feare therein to peepe:
Come follow mee to yonder shadie Grove,
VVhich Zephirus doth gentlie breathing moue,
Vpon the further side of this greene Meade,


There shalt thou see, what shall thy Fancy feede.
Then vp I sprange with rare agilitie,
Which gaue me pow'r, me thought, with her to flie
As swift as thought, to that designed place;
And there she laid me downe, with sweete embrace:
VVhich so entranc'd me, as a while I laie
Engulf'd in ioy, yet all the while did praie
That the Catastrophe of this sweete Scene,
Might answere the beginning and the meane.
Shee feeling with her hand my Pulse to beate
As one whose Soule did seeke to shift her Seate,
Shee chafte my Temples which did showring raine
The liquid Pearle which oft proceedes of Paine:
And with a loving checke shee did controule,
The Passion of my over-passion'd Soule.
I am (quoth shee) no Soule-confounding Fiend,
Assuming Angells forme for wicked end;
But come to grace thee gracelesse forlorne Man
VVith divine favours; why dost feare me than?
VVhereto with trembling Tongue I made reply:
I feare thee not, sense-mazing Maiestie;
But the delight my silly Soule conceaues
For this high grace, my soule of sense bereaves.
VVell then I coniure thee in Loue (quoth shee)
That thou feare not, But marke what thou shalt see.
No sooner these sweete words accented were,
But in our presence livelie did appeare
A Ladie of a most maiesticke state,
Cladd like a VVorld-commanding Potentate;
VVith all that might obiect prosperitie,
To VVitt or Observations Eagles Eye:
On whom attended two still-striving Dames,
In manners diverse, diverse too in frames:


The one still eyde the Mould, with downe-cast looke,
In blacke invested, in her hand a Booke:
Her Brest close-clasped vp vnto the Chin,
That no lascivious Eye might prie therein:
A Cipers vaile ore-canapide her face,
Where vnder shone a VVorld of modest grace.
Nothing about her was superfluous,
And nothing wanting, fitte for Natures vse:
I tooke her for some VVorld-despising Dame,
VVhose conversation was not in the same.
The other was the true Arch-tipe of that
Which Men for Levitie doe wonder at.
Neere to her Body shee (fantasticke) ware
A thinne vaile of Carnation coulor'd ware:
On which, with Starrs of gold embost, was drawne
As t'were an vpper Smock of purest Lawne;
Which seem'd as if a Silver Cloude had spredd
Over the face of Phœbus blushing redd:
Vpon all which shee ware a Gabberdine,
For forme as strange, as for stuffe, rich and fine:
To which ther was a certaine kinde of Traine,
Which (vselesse) was turn'd vp threefold againe:
The VVings wherof, (where her Armes out were let)
were of pure gold with Smarags thicke besett:
So were the verges of it sett with stone,
As costlie as the VVhores of Babilon.
On either side from her Armes to her VVast,
It was vnsow'd, and made with Buttons fast
Of orient Pearle, of admirable size,
Which loopes of Azur'd silke did circulize:
So as yee might betweene the Buttons see,
Her smocke out-tuft to show her levitee.
The Sleeves whereof were meanely large, yet so


As to the handes it lesse and lesse did gro:
About whose wrists being gath'red in fine pleates,
It was made fast vvith orient Bracëlets
Of Pearle as bigge as Plumbes, and intermixt
VVith other Iemmes, of diuers hues transfixt;
Which ore her hands hunge as superfluously
As (like the rest shee ware) most combrously.
Morisco-wise her Garment did orehang
Her Girdle, set with stone and many a spang:
VVhich nerethelesse could not be seene at all,
By reason of that Robes orefolding fal:
Saving that when the VVinde blew vp the same
It might be seene like lightnings sodaine flame.
This Garment though it were but too too long,
Yet too too short, or short'st of all, it hunge.
Her nether Vesture strecht but to her calfe,
Yet lower rought then that aboue, by halfe:
For, shee the vpper tuckt and trebl'd so,
As like a Vardingale the same did sho.
Vpon her legges shee ware a Buskin fine,
Of stuffe that did like cleerest Amber shine,
Downe halfe vvay folded, vvith a Brouch below,
Which on the shinne shee rightly did bestovv.
Her nether smockes or smock-like Petticotes,
Each gale of winde a loft in Aier flotes:
Which she assisted vvith prompt reddynesse,
Glad of so good a coulor (as I guesse)
To show the coulor of her skinne below,
Which scarse the Smocks of modest Matrones know.
Her Brest lay open almost to the VVast,
That by the eie, men might be drawne to taste
The bitter sweetes, vvhich in her did abound;
“For, beautie through the eie the heart doth wound.


Her Pappes vvere varnisht ore with shining stuffe,
To giue the Sight a lustie counterbuffe:
Twixt whom there hung a Iewell of rare Iemmes,
That the eie dazl'd with resplendant beames.
About her Necke a chaine of Pearle shee ware,
That to her Brest did couer all the bare;
Saving that here and there yee might espie
A dy-like Square of polisht Ivorie.
Her Ruffe (or


what you vvill) about her Necke,

Was cut and keru'd the more the same to decke:
And in the cuts, betweene the foldes, did lurke
Frogs, Flies, Snakes, Spiders, al of Gold-smithes work;
So liuely made, as that the sight would sweare
They were aliue, for each did seeme to steere.
Vpon the hemme vvhereof did looslie hange
Many a glitt'ring siluer-golden spang:
Which, with the motion of her bodie light
Did (twinckling) seeme like starres in winters night.
Her face, though faire, vvas painted cunninglie,
VVhich trebl'd beautie, to bewitch the eie.
In center of her forehead (which did shine
As if the same had beene all christalline)
Betweene rare Pearles, disposed all in fret,
A rich coruscant Rubie in was let.
Vpon the verge of whose gold-stayning haire,
Illustrious Saphires ev'nly ranked vvere:
Saving that here and there prowde Pompe did place
Great pointed Diamonds to giue them grace.
Her haire, though faire, yet was it made to line
A curled Periwicke of Haire more fine;
Not haire, but golden wire drawne like the Twist
The Spider spins with her vnfing'red fist.
Behind, the rest was so in tramells folded


(Which precious Pearle and Rubies rich infolded)
That all, like speckl'd Snakes, in Knots was vvound,
And ev'ry one with diverse flowres crownd.
Her gate was painefull, tripping on the Toes,
As if Desire should say, lo, there shee goes.
Shee stood, as if she stood vpon no ground,
But on some water-waue that made her bound;
For, novv shee sinckes on this legge, then aloft
Vpon that other shee advanced oft.
And no lesse oft shee would cast dovvne her eie
Vpon her Ivory paps; and vvantonly
Shee seem'd to smile on beauty without peere,
To dravv all vvanton eies to note it there.
In summe shee vvas such as Voluptusnesse
With all her coulors cannot well expresse.
These damsels straue (as erst I said) to gaine
The loue of her that vvas their Soveraigne:
Who seem'd to each indiff'rently dispos'd;
But after much adoe their strife shee clos'd
With this decree; that vvho her most could moue
By Reasons force, should bee her leefest Loue.


Then Vertue lo, (for so it seem'd shee vvas)

With modest looke, and favour full of grace,
Began to tune her tongue vnto that eare
VVhich shee desired to her to indeere.


Quoth shee, deere Albion, (so I knew her name

That first of all into our presence came)
If thou wilt me imbozome, I vvill make
Both Heav'n and Earth to loue thee for my sake.
Thy conscience I wil calme, and in thy brest
Thou shalt perceaue the heav'n of heav'ns to rest.
Thine vnderstandings eie shalbee as bright
As that faire eie that al the VVorld doth light.


Al Nations shal doe homage vnto thee,
As vnto her that giues them eies to see.
Thou shalt reduce to thine obedience
Without the Sword, the Earthes circumference.
The wisemen of the East shal come from farre,
Drawne by thy grace, led by thy vertues starre,
And offer thee Gold, Mirrh, and Frankensence,
And what els may delight thy Soule or sense.
Thou shalt haue powre to crush the crownes of kings
And with their neighbors swords to clip their wings;
If they shal rise against thee in their pride;
So keepe them downe, and yet thy hands vndide.
God and the VVorld (though it be nere so il)
Shal hold those curst that doe resist thy will.
For, thou shalt nothing wil but what is good,
As long as thou and I, be one in moode.
I wil breake ope Heav'ns gates with might & maine,
And on thy head shal Blessings powre amaine.
Yea, to thy comfort it shal wel appeare
That al desir'd increase shal crowne each yeare.
The golden daies of peaceful Salomon,
Shal ever waite thy blessed yeares vpon.
The sea shal yeeld thee from her liquid VVombe,
VVhat shal enrich thy poore and basest Groome.
Thy Mountaines shal with cattell stil be crown'd,
The whiles the Vales with corne shal ore-abound.
Thy Sonns, & Daughters, shal yeeld comfort to thee,
That whilome did indevour to vndoe thee.
Thy young-men shal see Visions, & thine Old
Shal dreame dreames, by which things shalbe foretold
That shal concerne thy good in times future,
And that prevent, which may thine Ill procure;
Angels shal guard thy walles and on thy strand


In legions they shal lie as thicke as Sand,
To keepe thy Fo-men from assailing thee,
In Battaile rang'd by Heav'ns Divinitie.
Thy Schools shal yeeld thee Saints, which shal direct
In Life, and Doctrine, whatsoever Sect.
Thy Citties like Bee-hives shal stil containe
Men as Bees busie for the Common gaine.
All idle Drones that live by others sweate
They shal cassiere, or not allow them meate.
There shal no Begger in thy Streets be found,
Nor cries of wretches at thy Gates shal sound;
But, with the foizone of Heav'ns blessings all
(By means of me) their Baskets fill they shall.
Thy Peeres shal striue for peace, & who shalbe
In Vertue (not in State) in highst degree.
There shalbe no Contention in thy Body,
Which heretofore hath made thy mēbers bloudy.
The Poole of Grace shal overflowe thy Land,
Glyding in Christall streames on Pearly Sand.
The Horrors that consort the hateful Crue,
Shal never come so neere as in thy view.
No humane quarters shal oretopp thy Gates,
For seeking to ore toppe thy Maiestrates.
No Heading, Hanging, Burning, or the like,
Shalt need to vse, ne with the Sword to strike
Those that doe weare good Swords but to badd ends;
For all shal liue in peace like loving friends.
The Worde Oppression, much lesse shall the deede
Be never heard, where all are well agreede.
Each one shal know his place, and in the same
Shal laboure to preserve an honest name.
One Hart, one Hand, one Faith, one Soule, & Mind,
Shal al thy People in one Body binde.


Thou shalt not neede to feare the Chamber-scapes,
The sinnes gainst Nature, and the brutish Rapes,
Which with the godlesse Nations are too rife;
For ev'rie Man shal have his lawful VVife:
Which dulie in an vndefiled Bedd,
Shal gett right Members for their vpright Head.
Thou shalt not neede to pinch thy Peoples Purses,
And so incurre thereby thy Commons curses:
Or money-Bladders seeke, in Seas of Bloud
To beare thee vp, from sincking in that Floud.
For, thou shalt haue Exchequers richly stor'de,
That thou to well deservers maist affoorde
Roiall rewards, without the Commons Cost;
For, Crownes are richly blest, with Peace y-crost.
Taxe-vndergrowne, (ô odious Tyranny!
Bredd in the VVombe of Sensuality)
Shal nere so much as once be nam'd in thee,
But thou shalt punish Kingdomes, where they bee.
The cloudie Piller shall guide thee by daie,
The firie Flame by night shal show thy VVaie.
Beauies of Quailes, and Manna (Angells foode)
Shal showre from Heav'n to doe thy Children good.
Who shal therefore, sing Hymnes of praise divine,
And merry make each one beneath his Vine.
The voice divine shal thunder from on hie,
And talke with thee (belov'd) familierly.
Thou shalt with Moises Rodd divide the Deepes,
And make their raging VVaues to stand on Heapes,
That Man, and Horse which to thee doo belonge,
Shal passe, as on drie Land, those VVaues amonge.
For thine Advantage thou shalt ope the Earth,
And send repyning Rebells quicke beneath,
If any should arise; but doubtlesse Those


Can never spring, where Vertue stil ore-flowes.
If thou wilt vse me, thou wilt vse me still,
For I will please thy Soule, thy VVitt, thy VVill.
And though I seeme t'vncircumcized Sense
But passing plaine, and ful of Indigence,
Yet in my Brest true Glorie is enthron'd,
And al my Friends shalbe with Glorie Crown'd.
On me doe waite the Ministers of Ioy,
To be dispos'd as I shal them imploy.
Death, and Damnation I treade vnderfoote,
And over Lethe lake with ease I flote.
I am the Darling of the TRINITIE,
That ore Sinne, Death, and Hell hath Emperie.
When Heav'n shall melt, & Earth shal meare away,
I in his blessed Bozome live for aie.
If thou through humaine frailtie chance to trippe,
Ile stay thy foote, that downe thou shalt not slippe.
Or if in mire of sinne downe flatt thou fall,
Ile wring Teares frō thine Eyes to wash off all.
What shal I say? if thou wilt cherish me,
Ile stil make peace betweene thy God and thee:
That neither Sathan, Sinne, nor ought beside,
Shall haue the pow'r your Vnion to devide.
Thinke what a comfort it wilbe to thee,
By me t'enioy this VVorlds felicitee,
And when Confusion shal dissolve the same,
Thy Soule to live with God, with Saints thy fame:
VVhich al eternity shall comprehend,
In ioy past ioy; thus shee vvith ioy did end.
VVhen lo, the other (painted Butterfly
That lookt too like voluptuous Vanity)
Seem'd greatly chafed with this lōg discourse,
And often mew'd and mopt; and which is vvorse


The speech disgraced interruptingly,
VVith VVhat might make the same seeme al a ly.
But now shee gan to face her Countenance,
VVith many a smile and Eye-delighting glance.
And thus with voice, that did her speech become,
Shee brake into her Tales Exordium.
Deere Albïon, whom as my Soule I prize,
In whom (as in my Heav'n) my glorie lies;
If ever thou, by following sound advice,
VVouldst tast the truest ioyes of Paradice,
Thē, listen to me, while I breath such breath,
As shal create a complete Heav'n on Earth.
If thou wilt me imbrace, as did that



That was the Sourse of humane sapience,
Who in his wisedome knew wel what he did
(Sith he knew more then al the world beside)
When monge a thouzād Loues, his wisdomes powre
Did choose me for his chiefest Bellamoure:
If therfore thou wilt me indeere to thee,
That but one soule may be twixt thee & mee,
I knowing what such wisdōe high did please,
Wil plunge thy soule in depth of pleasures Seas:
Where thou shalt meete with Ioyes vnsoūded deepe,
To lullabie thy waking Cares asleepe.
But to particulate what they shalbe,
Requires the Tongue of some Divinitee.
Yet coldly, as I can, I wil expresse
This onely heav'n-surmounting happinesse.
Deere sweete, quoth she, (& sweet she lisped foorth)
If thou wilt well conceave thine owne high woorth,
Listen to mee, and I wil tell thee vvhat

Vanity is instant to gett attention because sense is betraide therby.

Shal glad thy Soule, and correspond with that.
As stands thy case, thou well maist prize thy Head,


With the extreamest rate of Ioues God-hed:
And sith aboue he raignes in boundles blisse,
Thy blisful raigne below should be like his.
I therefore wil draw VVit, and Industry
(Al vvhose defects my science shal supplie)
To straine their powres to their extreame extent,
So to accomplish thy soules ravishment.
Thou on triumphant Chariots (like the Sunn's,
That on the cristal Heav'ns in glorie runnes)
By Horses shalt be drawne, as white as milke,
And al thy way shal cover'd bee with silke
Of choisest kinde, and of the Tyrian die,
As wel to show thy state, as please thine eie.
Thy Robes shalbe pure gold ten-times refin'd,
That like the Aire shal gently turne and winde:
Not fac'd with Ermine, but with everie thing
That to the heav'ns bright eie may wonder bring:
Which shal send backe, when that eie on it stayes,
(In counter change) more glittering-glorious Raies!
Thy Horses heades, vvith Phenix feathers deckt,
Shal vvorke on Angels eies the like effect.
The pillers of thy Pallaceis shalbe
Hewne out of rockes of purest Porphyree,
Their wals of Iasper square, and eu'ry Ioint
Dissolued Amber, passing cleere, shal point.
The columnes of thy windowes shalbe Iet,
Inlaide with Pearle, in many a curious fret.
Their Glasse of christall: in whose vpper part
With stone of price, past price, and matchlesse Art
Shalbe inserted stories of thy deedes;
That both the eie delights and Spirite feedes,
Their Heav'n-high Roofes shalbe embattelled
With Adamant in gold enuelloped.


Their Tile of Currall, and in Lozenge-wise,
Mother of pearle their sides shal circulize.
Vpon their crest, as thicke as they may stād,
Saint George on horse-backe with a Lance in hand,
Charging a Dragon, both of precious stone,
To wit, the Emeral'd, and Calcedone.
The roomes within, al rooft in arched wise,
(Like to the Convexe of the vaulted skies)
Shalbe with purest Bice enammeld faire,
Enchas'd with stars, like Ioues etherial chaire!
The chimny-peeces reaching through the sāe
Of glorious Chrysolites, that seeme to flame:
On whose fore-fronts below, cut out shalbe,
In Indian Berill, curious Imageree.
The hangings of thy wals, of that same ware
That Salomon in al his glorie ware.
Thy floores shalbe (most glorious to behold)
Couerd with cloth of Bodkin, Tyssue, Gold.
Thy chaire of state (t'amuse the gazers sight)
Cut out of one vnvalued Margarite
Shal stand on top of Twelue most faire Ascents,
Like that wherein Ioue sits in Parliments.
Each steppe of stone, of richest price, and hue,
Deckt on each ende with beasts, of dreadful view,
(Huge Lyons, Dragons, Panthers, and the like
That in th'aspectors harts doe terror strike)
Shal seeme like that more then celestial Throne,
Which Iupiter in state doth sit vpon.
Thy cloth of state that it ore-canopies,
Shalbe stuffe brought from Earthly Paradise
By sp'rits immortal, which shal waite on thee,
And doe thy Heasts, if thou wilt rule by me.
This precious geare (no name is good ynuffe


T'expresse the glory of this precious stuffe)
With Sunne-like Carbuncles in forme of eies
Shalbe embossed, as if each were spies,
Which vvith their luster creepe in each darke hole,
That thou thereby maist pul thence by the Polle
Who shal vnseene envie thy glorious state,
So, with thy Sword of Iustice pole their Pate:
And, when thou sitt'st vpon that royal seate,
Thou shalt seeme Iupiter, if not more great,
Sitting on his celestial Throne of Thrones
Compas'd about with many thousand Sunnes!
Thy privie chambers (where thou privilie
Shalt glut thy selfe, vvithout satietie,
With what shal tickle al thy vaines with pleasure
Measur'd by loues sweete motions without measure)
Shalbe like Orchards fram'd so by mine Art,
That thou shalt seeme in Heav'n whē there thou art;
There wil I haue an artificial Sunne
In the like Heav'n al daie his course to runne,
That though the daie abroad doe lowre like night,
Thy Sunne within shal shine exceeding bright.
The Moone and stars (like to the lampes of heau'n)
By night shal light thee, set in order ev'n:
And by their constellations and their frames,
Th'astronomer shal cal them by their names.
Al kinde of Trees, of what soeuer sute,
That either Branches beare, or Branch with fruit,
There vvil I cause (or at least, seeme) to grow,
That Nature from her owne them shal not know.
Plūbs, Peares, Dats, Filbeards, Apples, glistering Cherries,
Pomgranats, Peaches, Medlars, & Mulberies,
Lymmons and Orenges, some ripe, some greene,
What shal I say! al fruit that ere were seene


This artificial Eden shal containe,
Thine eie with pleasure stil to entertaine!
Hard by shal runne, from Artificial Rockes.
Confected waters sweete, vvhose falling mockes
The voice of birds; which made by science shal
Tune their sweete notes, to that sweete waters fal.
Here shal arise an hand-erected Mounte,
From whose greene side shal glide a siluer fount
Encreasing breadth, as it runnes, by degrees;
Hemd in with Couslips, Daffadils and Trees
That ore the same an Arche of Bowes shal make,
Through which the Sunne shal parcel-gild the Lake!
Beneath which, in this little siluer Sea
Shal bathe the daughters of Mnemosine:
Singing like Syrens, playing Lyres vpon
Beheav'ning so this hand-made Helicon!
Behinde the Trees coucht, drown'd in Daffadillis
Oxslips, wilde Cullambines, and water Lillis,
Shal Elues and Fairies their abiding make,
To listen to these Ladies of the Lake!
Actêon here shal metamorphiz'd bee,
Great Obron there shal ring his companee:
And here and there shalbe varietie
Of what so ere may charme the eare or eie!
Vnder a gloomy Bowre of stil-greene Baies,
That stil greene keepe their mortall makers praise.
(Where Eglantines with flowres thrust in their Noses,
Intangled with the slips of damaske Roses,
Stil fresh and flourishing, as month of Maie)
There shalt thou heare of loue the svvetest lay:
Which shall thy greedy sense so much inchaunt,
That where thou art, thou shalt be ignoraunt;
And what thou art thou shalt not much respect,


Sith heav'n-rapt souls that VVhat, do quight neglect.
There, Angells notes shal so inchant thine Eares,
That thou shalt swim in ioy, though sunck in Cares.
Here Lab'rinthes intricate of winding vvalkes,
Of Mirtles filld with Maie-bowes in the Balkes,
Where out shal breath soule-ravishing perfume
(VVhich time wil rather prosper then consume)
Shal lull fraile sense asleepe in pleasures lapp,
From melancholie free'd and al mishapp.
Each foote of grasse-made ground, orelaid shalbe
VVith Natures Daizie-decked Draperee.
And therewith-al, to yeeld the more delight,
Angell-fac'd Fairies (clad in vestures white)
Shal come in tripping blithsome Madrigalls,
And foote fine Horne-pippes, Iigges, and Caterbralls.
That done, the Driads and the Silvane crue,
Successiuelie thy solace to renewe,
In Matecheines, Lavolts, and Burgamasks
Shal hardlie plie these time-beguiling Tasks.
Each Tree shal droppe downe sweete Ambrosia,
Or cordial Spices, Myrrh, and Casia.
The Baies shal sprinkle from their dewey Bowes,
Rose-water cleere to cheere thy handes and Browes.
Nought shal bee wanting in this Earthlie Heav'n,
That Art and Nature to Delight have giv'n;
Or by the pow'r of Spirites may bee fulfill'd,
To ravish sense with al that Heav'n may yeeld!
For I wil dive into th'infernal deepes,
VVhere Pluto Prince of riches revell keepes,
And make him dance attendance on my Traine,
T'effect thy pleasure, deere sweete Soveraigne!
There shalt thou see (without al cause of feare)
The glorious worthies of the world that were:


How Cæsar in rich Triumph entred Rome;
And Scipio when he Africk had orecome!
There shal the stately Queene of Amazons,
Penthesilea, with her Minions,
Present thee with a Maunde of fruite divine,
Cull'd from the golden Tree of Proserpine!
Hector, Achilles, Priam, Hecuba,
Great Agamemnon, Pyrrhus, Helena,
Or whom soever thou desir'st to see
Shal at a beck doe homage vnto thee!
Ile ripp the Bowells of the subtile Aire
And bring the Sp'rits therin (in fashion faire)
To counterfet the Musick of the Spheares,
And with Heav'ns harmony to fil thine Eares!
To fetch for thee, from the extreame extent
Of Earthes huge Globe, what ere may thee content!
To flie vpon thine errand with a trice,
To fetch thee fruite from Earthly Paradice!
To entertaine thee, when alone thou art,
VVith al the secrets of each hidden Art:
And whatsoere the heav'nly Cope doth cover,
To thee (that thou maist know it) to discover!
The Stone so sought of all Philosophers,
The making of which one, so many marrs,
Thou shalt directly make it at thy pleasure,
T'enrich thy kingdome without meane or measure!
The great Elixer (making small ones great)
Like dust thou shalt make common in the Streete!
And if thou wilt, high waies shal paved bee
With burnisht gold, made onely but by thee!
If thou wouldst haue the Aïer turn'd, and tost,
To strike a terrour in each Clime, or Coste,
These Sp'rits that Lord it ore that Element,


Shal doe the same for thee incontinent!
And when thou wouldst spare their societie,
They, with a vengance, through the Aire shal flie
VVithout the least hurt done to thee, or thine,
Except it be in making you divine!
There shal no kingdomes Cares, that life destroie,
And like Hell-paines the Hart and Minde annoy,
Once dare to ceaze vpon thy blisseful Hart;
For I wil charme them so, by Pleasures Art,
That they shal seeme as dead and never sterr,
Thy solace to disturbe in peace, or vvarre.
Ile reave sweete voyced Boies of what they may
Ill spare, (if spare) to sing thy Cares awaie.
Ile make some others spend their total time,
To make sweete strings expresse the twangs of Rime;
VVhich tickle shal thy hart-strings with such mirth,
That thou shalt saie, ha, this is Heav'n on Earth!
Thy royal-Table shalbe serv'd with Cates
Surmounting farre Cœlestial Delicates:
Ambrosia; shalbe thy coursest Cheate,
And Manna (Angells-foode) thy Groomes shal eate!
Delicious VVines, that make sweete Nectar sowre,
Beauties divine in precious Boles shal powre,
To comfort Nature and to glad thy Hart
VVith comfort that surmounteth Natures Art.
The Sarnos Pecocke, and the Malta Crane,
The dainty Lamprey in Tartesia tane,
The Phrigian Woddcock, and th' Ambracian Gote,
The fine fish Asinellus, hardly gott,
The Oisters of Tarentum, fish of Helops,
The Goldny of Cilicia, Chios Scalopps,
The Nutts of Tasia, and th'Ægyptian Dates,
In few, all kingdomes choisest Delicates


That to the Pallate pleasure may affoord,
Shal oreabound vpon thy bounteous Boord!
When, from a Silver'd Tent, to please thine Eare,
Cornetts, Recorders, Clarions thou shalt heare:
Whiles to delight thy sight as wel as hearing,
Stately Dumb showes before it shal be sterring:
Which wel-tongu'd Mercury shal faire relate
Stil pointing to thy praise, and glorious state.
VVhen, with these Sweetes thou art wel satisfied,
Ile make thee Beds of flowres, divinly dide:
VVhere thou, & thy Loues, (for your Limbs reposes)
May drownd your selues among sweet damask Roses.
And while your rest, the sacred Muses nyne,
(Singing ful sweetely Ditties most divine,
That for Harts ioy wil cause the Eyes to weepe)
Shal lullabie your blisful Soules asleepe.
Continual Iusts, and roial Turnaments,
Furnisht with al Eye-pleasing ornaments:
Mummings, Masks, Plaies, Plaies that shal play with Care
As Catt with Mouse, to kill her comming There.
VVhat booteth it to weare a golden Crowne,
If thorny Cares it line, to make thee frowne:
Away with Care therefore, awaie with thought,
VVhat shouldst thou doe with that, that's good for nought:
Let thē go waite on Byshops, to whose See
They doe belong, but let the Prince be free.
VVilt thou be Servant to the common Trash,
That often leaves their Master in the lash?
Or spend thy VVitte, and Sp'rits for such Riffraffe,
And so consume the Corne to saue the Chaffe?
VVilt thou orewhelme thy selfe in all anoy,
That they may swime aloft in Seas of Ioy?
VVhat! wilt thou place thy pleasure in thy paine,


And make thy Subiect, be thy Soveraigne?
Wilt loose thy roiall sole prerogatiue,
To make vngrateful base Bash rags to thriue?
O be indulgent to thine owne deere Hart,
And of Heav'ns blessings take a blisful part.
Doe not depriue thy selfe of that rare blisse,
That vnto none but thee peculier is.
And here vpon the sodaine (great mishap)
I found my selfe in Oxford my loues lap.
Where thinking seriously vpon this thing,
I heard some say, God saue king Iames, our King.
And therewithal I heard a Trumpets clang,
That in an vnison that Dittie sang.
Then did I more admire what I had seene,
But griev'd I had so double lost the Queene!
And grieu'd no lesse, sith I saw not the rest
Of that wherein I held me highlie blest!
Had I so blessed bin, t'haue seene th'event,
I should haue thought my time divinely spent.
But as I cannot now diuine vvhat shal
Vnto this Land (orewhelm'd in blisse) befal;
So wil I not suspect the worst; for why?
God, onely good, keepes good Kings company.
John Davies.