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The Authoure.
When this was said, no more was Madan sene,
(If it were he) but sure I halfe suspecte
It was some other else, so serude had bene,
For that all stories do not so detecte
His death, or else I dide perhaps neglecte
His tale, because that diuers stories broughte,
Suche fancies of his death into my thoughte.
(If it were he) but sure I halfe suspecte
It was some other else, so serude had bene,
For that all stories do not so detecte
His death, or else I dide perhaps neglecte
His tale, because that diuers stories broughte,
Suche fancies of his death into my thoughte.
Therefore although it be not as some write
Here pende by me, and yet as others haue:
Let it not griue thee reade that I recite,
And take what counsaile of good life he gaue:
I trust I may (that dreame) some pardon craue,
For if the reste, no dreames but stories pen:
Can I for that they write be blamed then?
Here pende by me, and yet as others haue:
Let it not griue thee reade that I recite,
And take what counsaile of good life he gaue:
I trust I may (that dreame) some pardon craue,
For if the reste, no dreames but stories pen:
Can I for that they write be blamed then?
No sure, I thinke the readers will not giue
Such captious dome, as Momus erste did vse,
Though Zoilus impes as yet do carping liue:
And all good willing writers much misuse.
Occasion biddes me some such beastes accuse,
Yet for their bawling hurtes me not I nill:
But with my purpose, on procede I will.
Such captious dome, as Momus erste did vse,
Though Zoilus impes as yet do carping liue:
And all good willing writers much misuse.
Occasion biddes me some such beastes accuse,
Yet for their bawling hurtes me not I nill:
But with my purpose, on procede I will.
Next after that, came one in princely raye
A worthy wight but yonge, yet felt the fall:
It seemde he had bene at some warlike fraye,
His breste was woundid wyde and bloudy all:
And as to mynde he musde his factes to call,
Depe sighes he fet, made all his limmes to shake:
At length these wordes, or like to me he spake.
A worthy wight but yonge, yet felt the fall:
It seemde he had bene at some warlike fraye,
His breste was woundid wyde and bloudy all:
And as to mynde he musde his factes to call,
Depe sighes he fet, made all his limmes to shake:
At length these wordes, or like to me he spake.
Thus haue you here the end of Madan seene,
(If it were hee) and yet I may suspect
It was some other Prince so seru'd had beene,
For that all stories doe not so detect
His death that Princely vertues did neglect.
But if hee died by wolues, as here I write,
His vice the cause mine author doth resite.
(If it were hee) and yet I may suspect
It was some other Prince so seru'd had beene,
For that all stories doe not so detect
His death that Princely vertues did neglect.
But if hee died by wolues, as here I write,
His vice the cause mine author doth resite.
Wherefore although that authors heere dissent,
And I haue pend as praysed stories haue:
To reade his warnings thou maist bee content,
And take what counsaile of good life hee gaue.
I trust, I (dreaming) may some pardon craue,
For if the rest no dreames but stories pen,
Can I for that they write bee blamed then?
And I haue pend as praysed stories haue:
To reade his warnings thou maist bee content,
And take what counsaile of good life hee gaue.
I trust, I (dreaming) may some pardon craue,
For if the rest no dreames but stories pen,
Can I for that they write bee blamed then?
But what neede I on this to longer stay,
Sith many moe remayne which felt the fall.
Of Britayne Princes heathen reade you may,
As Maline one appearing next of all:
Whose tale in order now resite I shall.
Then here conceiue this wounded Prince you see,
Thus wise, of Fortune, speaking vnto mee.
Sith many moe remayne which felt the fall.
Of Britayne Princes heathen reade you may,
As Maline one appearing next of all:
Whose tale in order now resite I shall.
Then here conceiue this wounded Prince you see,
Thus wise, of Fortune, speaking vnto mee.
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