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The most elegant and witty epigrams of Sir Iohn Harrington

... digested into fovre bookes: three whereof neuer before published

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16 Of a Hous-hold fray friendly ended.

A man & wife stroue earst who should be master,
and hauing chang'd between thē hous-hold speeches,
The mā in wrath broght forth a pair of wasters,
& swore those 2. shuld proue who ware the breeches.
She that could break his head, yet giue him plasters,
Accepts the challenge, yet withall beseeches,

That she (as weakest) then might strike the first,
And let him ward, and after doe his worst.
He swore that should be so, as God should blesse him,
And close he lay him to the sured locke.
She flourishing as though she would not misse him,
Laid downe her cudgell, and with witty mocke,
She told him for his kindnes, she would kisse him,
That now was sworne to giue her neuer knocke.
You sware, said she, I should the first blow giue.
And I sweare I'le neuer strike you while I liue.
Ah flattring slut, said he, thou dar'st not fight.
I am no Larke, quoth she, man, doe not dare me,
Let me point time and place, as 'tis my right
By Law of challenge, and then neuer spare me.
Agreed, said he. Then rest (quoth she) to night,
Tomorrow at Cuckolds hauen, I'le prepare me.
Peace, wife, said he, wee'le cease all rage and rancor,
Ere in that Harbor I will ride at Ancor.