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Philoparthens louing Folly. Wherevnto Js Added Pigmalions Image. With The Loue of Amos and Lavra. And also Epigrammes by Sir I. H. and others. Neuer before imprinted

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Mistaking a word.

Mistaking a word.

An English Lad long woed a lasse of Wales,
And entertain'd her with such prettie tales,
As though she vnderstood not, yet to try him,
She gaue consent at last to vnderly him.
Both hauing dallied to their full societie,
The wench to show some womanly sobrietie,
Told in her language she was well ypaide,
And Diggon, Diggon once or twise she said.
Digge on in welch doth signifie ynough,
Which he mistaking, answeres thus in snuffe:
Diggon that can (quoth he) for I so sore
Haue diggde alreadie, I can digge no more.