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A worke in Ryme contayning an Enter-lude of Myndes, witnessing the Mans Fall from God and Christ. Set forth by HN, and by him newly porused and amended. Translated out of Base-almaynes into English [by Christopher Vitell?]

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I Knowledg, to beholde, am pleasant and delectable.
God worketh through Mee, his Prophecie vnfaylable.
Through Mee, God reuealeth his high holy Name.


I am very meete, to set-foorth his Honour and Fame:
For who can in Knowledg,

Sap. [illeg.]. Rom. 11.d. 1. Cor. [illeg.].b.

God exceede or-yet com-ny?

Whoso vseth Mee, must needes exalt

Pro. 6.b. Sap. 7. 8. Eccl. 24.b.

himself on-hy.

Therfore also hath God ; with Mee; his Work alone.
For with the mighty Knowledg, He excelleth eueryone,
In Knowledg, is Hee, extolled aboue All.
In Knowledg, can noman, with God becom equall.
In Knowledg of the Trueth, his Work it is miraculous:
But without Knowledg of ye Trueth, I work ye Death pernitious.
Whosoeuer toucheth Me, my Bewty for to inherit/
Hee must ; through my Fruits; dye

Gen. 2. 3.

from the Lyfe in Spirit.

Therfore must Playne-and-iust, from mee auoyde and fly.
If he take-on my Fruit, into Wo he coms therby:
For I am only, for Gods owne Speculacion.
Whoso tyes himself to Mee, coms into Tribulacion:
And is from all Ioye, very farr excluded.
But God can want nothing, nor-yet be deluded:
For the Lyfe of the Trueth, in Him is firmly sett:
Therfore do all those, much Ueracion gett/
Which, without the Trueths Lyfe; Mee do touch or handle.