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Life's made up of partings and meetings
At the best!
Sorrowful farewells and joyous greetings—
Hands are ever shaken, lips are pressed!
Wherefore, though the frown of heaven darken
Love's blue sky,
And thy soul in its forlornness hearken
To thy darling's tremulous good-bye,
Take thou heart, for all the world hath kindred
To thy woe;
Everywhere are longing spirits hindered
By the cruel fate that bids thee go!
Take thou heart—perchance the paths now parting
Shall be joined,
And the goal shall be the point of starting,
And the soul forgets that it hath pined.


Yet—yet, linger on those lips awhile;
Time may come
They shall wear for thee no loving smile,
And to all thy tender words be dumb.
Look into those tearful eyes that mirror
Love again;
Clasp her fair form near and nearer,
They may turn from thee in cold disdain.