University of Virginia Library



She comes again! She comes again! On the new earth once more!
The children sweet, they meet and greet and pull her to the door!
Blithe maiden, dancing home her song! Oh, echoes sad, depart!
Her smile's the key in every door of the prison of the heart!
All things remember, seeing her—her traveling choir the birds!
What singing in the sunshine, and what lowing of the herds!


The lambs, that only Winter knew, have like a garland bound her—
As if they knew her long ago, all gladdening dance around her!
The trees she only looks upon—green leaves begin to grow!
The orchard blushes! It is snow?—but oh! how fragrant snow!
All things are in the sunny air, whate'er can learn to fly;
The very worm has brighest wings—in its heaven, the butterfly!
The Spring! The Spring! She is here again—her train the gentlest hours!
And the last of the snow, she is smiling so, forgets it was not—flowers!