University of Virginia Library



Full fifty sail we were that day
When out to sea we sped away,
With a feeling of brooding mystery;
Bound—there was no telling where;
But well we knew there was strife to share,
And we felt our mission was bound to bear
A place in heroic history.
The man at the helm, nothing knew he
As he steered his ship out into the sea,
On that morn of radiant beauty;
And the ships outspread their wings, and flew
Like sea-birds over the water blue;
One thought alone each one of us knew—
How best to do his duty.
Not a breath of wherefore or why was heard,
Not a doubting thought or a doubting word,
Or idle speculation;
But a spirit of inspiring trust
Filled each man's breast, as it always must
When leaders are brave and a cause is just—
And ours the cause of the nation.


And thus we went—the hurricane's breath
Was felt in our track, like the blast of death,
But we had no thought of turning;
Onward, and onward, the good fleet sped,
Locked in its breast the secret dread,
To break in gloom over treason's head,
Where—we should soon be learning.
But brave Dupont and Sherman knew
Where the bolt should light, and each gallant crew
Was ready to heed their orders.
Port Royal, ho!—and a bright warm day;
We made the land many miles away,
And sullenly there before us lay
Fierce Carolina's borders.
The mystery was all compassed then,
And the heart of seasick weary men
Cheered up, the prospect viewing;
There is that grit in the human mind,
However gentle, or good, or kind,
That is always to double its fist inclined
When near where a fight is brewing.
The rebel guns waked a fearful note
From our rifled cannon's open throat,
And our shells flew fast and steady.
The battle is over—the strife is done—
The stars and bars from the forts have run—
The blow is struck and victory won—
Beaufort is ours already!


And then we sailed to the beautiful town,
Where we tore the emblem of treason down,
And planted the starry banner;
And the breezes of heaven seemed to play
With the folds in a tender and loving way,
As though they were proud to welcome the day,
And the old familiar manner.
A thrill pervaded the loyal land
When the gladdening tidings came to hand;
Each heart felt joy's emotion;
The cloud of gloom and doubt dispersed,
The sun of hope through the darkness burst,
And the zeal the patriot's heart had nurst
Burned with a warm devotion.