University of Virginia Library

Dear Sir:

A student shall 'never' lie,
cheat or steal while in
Albemarle County. Why he or
she could lie, cheat, and steal
in Fluvanna County I have
never been able to figure out.
The position taken by those
who uphold the honor system
is appropriate. Rules are set, as in
the Ten Commandments, and
any deviation from these rules
is punished, however U. Va.
unlike God, does not give you
a second chance. I, however,
do not believe that a given act
is wrong per se. I would
prescribe to more of a
situation ethics. There are
situations under which stealing
and lying are justifiable and
good; stealing food and
clothing are in true need;
stealing from someone who
steals from you, Bell
Telephone, Standard Oil etc.
Lying to protect a friend etc.

Aside from the week of
brainwashing during
orientation my first year I have
never believed nor supported
the honor system. In
discussions with supporters of
the honor system I have found
these people to be rather
lacking in the more
compassionate aspects of our
specie. They were and are
pseudo-moralists and
intellectual cretins.

What I'm getting to is that
for three years I've been
playing your game but now I'm
fed up. I've just had a friend
kicked out for stealing three
dollars worth of food. If that is
what the honor system is all
about I no longer wish to be
affiliated with it. I have no
respect for blind unyielding
totalitarianism. So good-bye
honor, hello individual

As a postscript, I've heard
that the honor committee is
suppressing a survey which
indicates 60% of the student
body does not support the
code. True or not?

Scott Henggeler
College 4