University of Virginia Library

Business' Reputation Drops
In The Public's Esteem

and public esteem
for business has plummeted in
the past five years, according
to a recent Harris Survey. Back
in '66, by an overwhelming 73
to 22 percent, Americans gave
business high marks for
"offering young people a
chance to get ahead."

Now, with college graduates
a dime a dozen, the public is
criticizing business 50 to 40
percent for failing to create
opportunities for young

Five years ago, business
didn't have the greatest
reputation in the world for
helping to control air and
water pollution-35% had
confidence in the way the job
was being done. But today,
despite ad campaigns
proclaiming their commitment
to the environment, confidence
in business' ecological
conscience has slipped to an all
time low of 28%.

Has business been a help in
"eliminating economic
depressions"? 75% of the
American public would have
said yes in 1966, but with
prices rising despite the freeze,
and unemployment climbing
right behind, only 36% of
Americans would now agree
that business is helping the
country deal with its economic

All across the board
business has lost points. 49% of
Americans figure business is
helping to wipe out racial
discrimination in 1971,
compared to 58% in 1966. And
wiping out poverty? 63% had
faith in business in '66, but
only 39% now.