University of Virginia Library

Superb Moments

Mind you, there are some
superb moments in the score.
The death of Judas is sensitive
and searing in the simple way
that it conveys Judas's remorse
after he realizes what he has
done, and the epilogue, "John
Nineteen Forty-One," is,
despite its musical eclecticism,
a moving conclusion to a score
that is mediocre at best.

The singers and musicians
who presented Jesus Christ
here on Wednesday
did the score much more
justice than it deserves. The
quality of the singing and of
the acting was astonishing.
Several members of the cast
have voices that have the
power, range, and tonal beauty
that one usually associates only
with opera singers. In fact, I
think that Stephen Newman,
who sang Caiaphas, would
make an excellent Osmin in
Mozart's The Abduction from
the Seraglio.

The orchestral playing was
splendid, as was that of the
rock band in the production,
and Irving Joseph, the
conductor, deserves special
praise not only for holding the
various forces together but also
for managing to bring
something more from the score
than the mere conquest of
great technical difficulties.

The Jesus Christ Superstar
production was indeed a
paradox a splendid
performance of music that is,
at best, mediocre.