University of Virginia Library

Davis Leads Drive

Davis then drove Virginia 80
yards in nine plays with the last 14
coming on a sensational Sullivan
catch in the end zone. The new
25-20 score got the crowd excited
but, dammit, the Tar Heels scored
again on a 21 yard pass from Miller
to Jolley, who clearly had one foot
out of bounds. The extra yard of
end zone given to Jolley was
apparently too much for defensive
back Bill Kettunen to contend

The Craven extra point raised
the score to 32-20 and that's where
it stayed. Davis marshaled one last
Wahoo threat but it died on the
Carolina 26 when the Hampton,
Va. second-yearman ran out of

The final offensive totals were
relatively even, 391 total yards and
21 first downs for Carolina to
Virginia's 354 yards and 15 firsts.
Nick Vidnovic's 46 yard punting
average had a lot to do with the
poor field position "enjoyed" by
Davis and the Cavs during most of
the game. Without the two Carolina
fumbles the score would have been
much less respectable.

The Tar Heels' 283 rushing
yards were compiled by Jolley and
a supporting cast of eight others.
All of Davis' and Albert's total of
302 passing yards were on
receptions by Cavalier ends Davis,
Sullivan and Joe Smith.

Jolley, who always seems to save
his peak efforts for Virginia, said as
much after the game and Lawrence
compared him favorably with Don
McCauley, last year's Carolina
rushing star. Harrison Davis,
surrounded by a gaggle of reporters,
said he "proved something to
myself" with his performance and
assured his new legion of fans that
"I still think I can get better."

The Cavaliers finished their
home season with a 1-4 Scott
Stadium record and are 1-3 in the
ACC with an away game against
Maryland, now also 2-8, remaining.
Without doubt the Terrapins will
provide a physical breather for the
Cavs, subjected to the kind of
punishment against Carolina that
they thought only Michigan could
deliver. No one on the team would
have settled for 3-8 at the beginning
of the season but now it shapes up
the best that can be done.


Photo By Steve Wells

Lewis Jolley Crosses Goal Line For First Tar Heel Score


Photo By Lovelace Cook

Billy Maxwell Boots Sixth Field Goal Of Season To Break Wahoo Record


Photo By Lovelace Cook

Bill Davis After One Of His Seven Receptions