University of Virginia Library


"For the evidence is
overwhelming that the University
of Virginia is overcrowded already.
In many classes, a dozen or a score
of students must stand for lack of
seats. Student parking is a hopeless
mess, and traffic in Charlottesville
is not only dismal but dangerous.
Some 1,016 undergraduate men
applied for dormitory rooms; only
460 obtained them," the columnist

"These things and worse have
happened at many other state
universities. But at Charlottesville,"
he added, "the students have not
wholly forgotten Thomas
Jefferson's intention for the
university in whose founding and
whose very buildings he had so
large a hand. The University of
Virginia was meant to be a place of
academic retreat, where the best
intellects among the rising
generation could meet in leisure
and beauty. It was not meant to be
Behemoth State U.," Mr. Kirk