University of Virginia Library

Inaugurate Programs

But I would hope that your
institutions will inaugurate, or
expand, programs designed to
insure that students from
disadvantaged families and lower
income groups are adequately
prepared for higher education.

Another higher educational
need in Virginia is simply that of
better allocation of academic
classroom space...there have been
instances in which classrooms at
state supported institutions have
been used for only 3 hours a week.
This is documented.

Certainly, we can make a better
utilization of classroom space than
we have at the present. People
don't understand- I don't
understand-how you can walk
through the campus or the grounds
of some of our institutions of
higher education and see classrooms
that simply don't have any people
in them.

Perhaps by re-structuring the
college calender, by extending the
class day, by letting the History
Department, for example, use some
of the classroom space in the
English Department when it is
vacant, perhaps we could
accommodate additional student
growth with less demand for new or
additional facilities.

We know the great financial
demands and we know we must
touch every source as well as get all
that we can out of each dollar that
we spend.