University of Virginia Library


Widespread discussion would
appear to be a viable alternative.
But, discussion in and of itself will
be fruitless. It is too easy to talk-forever.
A commitment needs to
be made, by the President of the
University and the Board of
Visitors to take positive steps to
bring all groups into the
mainstream of the University.
There is already a committee on the
administrative level dealing with
equal opportunity and related areas
but given the normal course of
committee affairs which is
agonizingly slow, one is reluctant to
place a great deal of confidence in
the ability of that group or any
other committee to solve the

Every individual connected with
the University in the remotest
manner must decide for himself
what he can do. There are alumni
who must be spoken to, townsfolk
who can help and some who need
help, students who need to be
be-friended and administrators who
can take affirmative action. Only
when this begins to happen can we
expect that we will not have two
Universities, one black and one
white, separate but unequal.