University of Virginia Library

Police Gangs

Gangs of police on motor
scooters would zoom up to an
intersection which was being
blocked and trashed—people
dumping garbage cans, breaking
glass, pushing out parked cars. The
protesters would disperse, and then
gather again at the other
intersections. Eventually the police
lines were extended about as far as
they could be, and a line of
confrontation maybe three or floor
blocks away from the bridge was

Key Bridge itself was guarded by
large numbers of police at either
end, and troops every ten feet along
the walkways. The few vehicles
which were stalled were quickly
cleared away. Motor scootered
police drove between the lanes to
keep traffic moving, and for the
large part did it.

On the Virginia side of the
bridge, a half-dozen men stood with
American flags and Nazi armbands;
police were not seen to move them.