University of Virginia Library

Dear Sir:

Last night the University was
well supported by its students, who
gave a majority of an extremely
large total vote-a record, in
fact-against the holding of a
moratorium this spring. The
University Anti strike Alliance
wishes to thank all of those
students who voted against an
unjustified holiday and for the
good of the University, and helped
us to send the moratorium idea
down to defeat. Together we have
accomplished a great thing for Mr.
Jefferson's School.

For the first time in many years
a majority of students voted in a
regular election. The moratorium
issue received the largest total vote
of all the issues on the ballot. 63%
of those balloting voted against a
moratorium this spring. The
question was directly phrased:
Should we or should we not have a
moratorium this spring?' The answer
was clearly "NO!"

This vote is a clear mandate
against a class-stoppage-call it a
'strike', a 'moratorium', or what
you will-this spring. We students
of the University have made our
will clear-let no man lightly
gainsay it.

And now a word or two about
the U.A.A.: We were a genuinely
ideologically neutral group. Our
membership stretched from
predictably anti strike groups and
individuals to a member of
Veterans for Peace, and included a
man who was at Kent State last
spring. We did our best to state
reasons why people at various
points along the political spectrum
should vote against the
moratorium, and to speak as much
of the truth as the limitations of
the poster format and the
30-second radio spot and the
one-page letter would allow. At
times oversimplification was starkly
necessary; we're sorry, but we did
do our best. And it was good

We wish particularly to thank
Professor A.K.Davis, who gave
generously of his time and counsel
at our organization meeting, and all
the others who helped out with
resources and advice. We very
deeply appreciate it; it helped to
insure our victory

Students of the University, we
salute you! This time there was no
apathy; you displayed a most
gratifying degree of wisdom,
maturity, and motivation. You did
the proper thing, and the problems
that a moratorium would have
subjected us to were averted. We
thank you again for hearing us out
and deciding as you did. We believe
that you will find it to have been a
wise decision. For those of you in
the U.S. who argued that a
moratorium would free more
people to go to Washington, we
thank you for your forbearance as
regards taking down our posters;
this has been the cleanest
University political campaign I've
ever participated in on that point.
We extend the same thanks to our
other opponents, who generally
behaved every bit as well as the

For those who are curious, the
total cash outlay for our campaign
was less than $200.00 (radio spots
are amazingly cheap.) "Fascist Fat
Cat Money" was neither necessary
nor involved.

Christian S. White, Treas.
University anti strike Alliance.