University of Virginia Library


MONDAY, MARCH 22: NORMAN GRAEBNER, Professor of History

TUESDAY, MARCH 30: JOSEPH FLETCHER, Vis. Professor of Ethics


By Laura Funkhouser


By Roy Alson

E.U. Class Tries Home Wine-Making

Registration for the spring semester is
Monday, March 8, from 2 to 6 P.M. in
Newcomb Hall Ballroom. Until that time
course and seminars are welcomed and will be
put on an addendum. New course descriptions
should be taken to 120 Chancellor Street, or
to Newcomb Hall the morning of registration.

OUR GROUPS NOW deal for the most part with doing and being,
rather than with thinking, because it seems that the University
structure provides adequate demands on cerebral time.

This is not to discourage intellectual groups — they work well, but
are fewer in number. The emphasis is on action, on meeting,
on play, in a society that demands study, competition and work.
The key note is education viewed as pleasure ...

We challenge you to enjoy.

— from EU catalogue, Spring 1971


Committee Members Plan For Spring Term


E.U. Soccer Team Practices In Front Yard


Informal Dinner Provides Meeting Time

"You get a real satisfaction out of the feeling that you're letting somebody in on
something they didn't know before. And you're also learning something at the same time,
when you teach. It was amazing - all the different kinds of people that took the course:
students, former students, students' wives - we even had a German professor. It was fun,
on both sides. We would laugh at our mistakes and laugh when people would come by
and ask what we were doing."

group leader, Experimental
University course

"It wasn't a course, as such. Our teacher wasn't really a teacher. He led us a little,
but we really all did it together. We all read the same books and discussed them when we
met. Yes, it was worthwhile. I would never have read those books if I hadn't been in the
group.. We mostly talked about the growing escape of people from the city to the
country. This spring we might spend a weekend out at Twin Oaks together."

— Member of an Experimental
University seminar