University of Virginia Library

Sign The Treaty

Saturday's basketball home finale will be
the scene of more than a victory over North
Carolina. There will be tables at which
students can endorse the proposed "People's
Peace Treaty" to show the Nixon
Administration, for the countless time, that
the people of this country are disgusted with
his attempts to win the war and get out of it
at the same time. We have already made
spiraling mistakes in Southeast Asia and we
continue to compound those errors with each
new life that is needlessly snuffed out.

Commentators, liberal and conservative,
have noted the lack of an outward response
by students to the invasion of Laos. Many
conclude that students are no longer
concerned with the misguided imperialism of
the United States and that they have been
lulled into a lethargic trance of non-activism
as a result of the Nixon withdrawal plan. This
is not true. Students have learned that the
most rational side in American politics does
not always win. Although the opponents of
the war have made considerable victories, the
fact of hundreds of thousands of American
personnel in the battle theater remains.

By signing the treaty and by attending
Monday night's meeting of the Charlottesville
City Council when the document will be
presented there, students can once again show
where their support rests in the issue.