University of Virginia Library

'I Feel Welcomed'

Said another girl, "I am pleased
at the overall atmosphere. Before I
came, I heard some comments from
the 'old guard' who were very much
against coeducation. However, they
don't hold it against you personally.
I feel welcomed."

However, the first-year women

do not appear discouraged by this
particular problem. "That's not the
only thing I came here for," said
one girl. "Naturally I'm a little
disappointed, but mainly I'm happy
because I'm one of 'the first.' "

This same girl talked about what
change coeducation has had on
dating so far. "It has not affected
the 'Big Weekends' per se, but it is
affecting the boys. They are a little
more careful about how they act,
because they know they are going
to have to face you all the rest of
the year."