University of Virginia Library

To The Editor

Food Service Favor?

Dear Sir:

The University Food Service
seems to think that it is doing us a
favor by bending over backwards to
investigate the possibility of
allowing refrigerators in the dorms.
Why, in the name of Christ, does
that scary outfit have anything to
do with a decision which should be
left up to the Board of Housing?

Obviously, the only serious
consideration is the question of
electrical overload. Small
refrigerators, like those which
could be used by students, draw as
little as 40 watts: less than half the
current consumed by desk lamp. So
why not permit refrigerators?
Well, it seems that a few years ago
the local perverted purveyors of
poison went out on a limb and
spent $300,000 on new facilities.

Their rationale for not allowing
refrigerators is, then, if students
can keep their own food, they (the
Foot Service) could be forced into
a position where they would have
to provide something edible in
order to keep up business. It is
apparent that they are incapable of
this; so, they are applying leverage
in order to force us to enable them
to make the payments.

Think about this in light of the
ideals of free enterprise held in such
high esteem by the University's
elders. Tom would not
approve ....

Bob Graham
College 1

Astute Giltinan

Dear Sir:

I would like to compliment Mr.
Giltinan on his most astute article
in yesterday's C.D. regarding
fraternities and rush. I am sure that
this bit of enlightenment opened
many sleepy eyes. Also, I would
like to invite him to come over and
shoot the bull with us, anytime.

Joe Mathias
College 3
Pi Kappa Alpha