University of Virginia Library

Donn Kessler

The Changing System


Unfortunately in the past
month, many members of the University
community have come out
with statements and stories concerning
that old bug-a-boo fraternities.
Articles have tended to portray
the houses on the grounds as dens
of iniquity which attempt to share
the unwilling freshman into their
clutches. Most of these 'facts' are
no longer true.

This is not to say that they
weren't once true or that there are
no problems withing many fraternities
today. Many fraternities were
noted at Virginia for the amazing
feats of degradation and humiliation
that pledges had to go through
to reach that exalted position of

And indeed many problems still
do exist. Some fraternities still put
their pledges through hell weeks
and have as their main purpose the
wonderful goal of getting drunk
and "gang bangs." Some fraternities
still practice bigotry. Some still
snare unwitting freshmen into their
grasp with promises of mystical
brotherhood only to destroy any
confidence or self-esteem present in
those newly initiated "Virginia gentlemen."

More Advantages

On the other hand, there are
many advantages to joining a fraternity.
These advantages are so heavily
weighted that they possibly overcome
the disadvantages of some

Perhaps one of the greatest advantages
to fraternities is a "home
away from home". More than a
dormitory, the fraternity house
offers students a place to relax,
shoot the bull, watch television,
eat, and feel accepted among one's

A second advantage to the fraternity
is a sense of spirit and
respect. Intramurals give one a
sense of working not just for yourself
but for your house and your
brothers. A spirit is also created
when people of various types and
kinds are able to rally behind one
common goal - the betterment of a
fraternity house.


But the most important aspect
of a fraternity is brotherhood. It is
nothing mystical for most but
rather a sense of communion, a
sharing of oneself with others for
common goals and purposes.
Rather than a being definable, can
only be experienced.

All of these advantages is not to
say that everyone should join a
house. There are some people who
are more comfortable with a few
good friends and living where and
how they want. Only a minority
feel that fraternities suit their personality.
The crime is when students
do not even try to see
whether they would want to be a
fraternity brother or not. The only
way that this can be discovered for
most students is through rush.

Rush Is Phony

There is no question that rush
does not allow students to find out
what a fraternity house is like.
Rush is superficial and phony in the
worst sense. Most brothers attempt
to picture fraternity life as one big
party when it isn't. This is not
really the fault of the brothers.
First meetings usually only allow
for superficial talk and fraternities
need freshmen more than most
freshmen need fraternities.

Because of this situation in rush,
it is up to the freshmen to discover
what the fraternity houses are
really like. Probe, question, and be
critical. Decide for yourselves.

More Open Rush

As for the fraternities, open rush
is now unfortunately over. It consisted
of four parties. In all good
faith for the freshmen and for their
own benefit, they should petition
the IFC to allow more open rush.
In this way, students who were
turned off by four parties, can find
out something more about the
house, and the fraternities can find
out something more about the students.