University of Virginia Library

Dear Sir:

The Committee on Coeducation
of the Virginia Council on Human
Relations urges all students to vote
"yes" on the question of the desirability
of coeducation at the University.
This question will appear
on the ballot in the upcoming
Student Council elections in all

The Committee believes that
there are four advantages which will
be derived from coeducation.

1) The University will become
academically superior, because a
coeducational university has a
larger pool of highly qualified applicants
from which to select.

2) The unhealthy social atmosphere
at the University will be

3) The University will not have
to face the possibility of a law suit
challenging its sexually segregated
educational facilities.

4) A coeducational university
will be more attractive to potential
black students.

The Committee also reminds
students in the School of Nursing,
Graduate School of Business Administration,
School of Commerce,
and School of Education that they
will also have the opportunity to
vote on this most important question.
Even though these schools do
not elect a Student Council representative
in the upcoming elections,
the students in these schools can
vote on this referendum on December
17 and 18.

James Earl Miller
Chairman, Committee
of Coeducation
Virginia Council on
Human Relations