University of Virginia Library

Three Ring Circus

Scene II of Act II resembled a
three-ring circus sans lions, tigers,
or even a semblance of Clyde
Beatty; just clowns, and more
clowns. 'Where Williams had called
for some of the heaviest drama in
the play, drawing from the key
lines of several characters, Director
Greene allowed eight or nine complete
buffoons (superstar "extras")
to dominate the scene downstage
with highly exaggerated pantomime
that should have been "upstaged."
(Cool it, Gang! Ziegfield ain't
out there). Meanwhile, Chance
Wayne was being "drunk" with the
demeanor of a speed freak "coming
back down." So the stage was set
for the Princess' "dramatically
charged" entrance into the cocktail
lounge: poor Bianca Redded vs. the
Baffoons of Barnum and Bailey.
She might have been good if they'd
given her a chance.